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Medicare HETS 270/271 Eligibility - Information Bulletin - October 21, 2010
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HETS 270/271
Medicare HETS 270/271 Submitters, Providers and Suppliers:

CMS is aware of recent HETS 270/271 system performance and regrets any impact it has had on your business. Know that work has been ongoing and will continue to resolve performance problems (e.g., the HETS 270/271 release that is scheduled for Saturday, October 23 should yield additional performance improvements and increase HETS processing capacity).

While CMS continues its work to improve HETS 270/271 performance we are requesting your assistance. Our data shows that HETS is regularly inundated with eligibility requests during peak processing periods (9:00 AM " 4:00 PM ET) especially on Monday and Tuesdays. Because HETS is a 24/7 application, CMS is asking that inquiries be submitted during other time periods whenever possible - except of course when requests require an immediate response (e.g., associated with urgent or critical services). Voluntary shifting of workload in the short term will greatly enhance system performance.

Please re-evaluate submission practices for Medicare eligibility requests to determine if all or a portion of your eligibility requests could be submitted outside of the peak processing periods. If your organization is using the services of a clearinghouse or software vendor, that company may be able to offer additional products or services to assist in this effort. Medicare providers and suppliers who submit eligibility requests outside of peak processing periods will enjoy improved availability and faster response times.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Medicare Customer Assistance Re: Eligibility (MCARE) Help Desk