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Medicare HETS 270/271 Eligibility - Information Bulletin - Upcoming System Exercise - March 7, 2011
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HETS 270/271

Medicare HETS 270/271 Submitters:

CMS continues its preparations for an April 2011 installation of the 2011 Q2 release. CMS has made significant progress towards resolving the issues that impacted the December 2010 release. CMS will perform a short pre-implementation dry run exercise of the 2011 Q2 release on Friday, March 11, 2011. During this exercise all submitter traffic will be automatically forwarded to the redesigned version of the HETS 270/271 application. No changes are required to the incoming 270 eligibility requests but submitters should be prepared to receive amended 271 responses from HETS. Details of the changes that submitters will see during this exercise are available in the Downloads section below.

This exercise will begin at 6:00 AM ET on Friday, March 11, 2011. After a short outage of approximately 30 minutes from 5:30 " 6:00 AM ET, the HETS 270/271 application will be available during the test. 271 responses returned from the redesigned version of HETS 270/271 will contain amended information per the Release Summary. The exercise will cease no later than 10:00 AM ET. Following another short outage of approximately 30 minutes from 10:00 " 10:30 AM ET where HETS 270/271 will not be available, all submitter traffic will be returned to the current version of the HETS 270/271 application. Based on system performance and other factors, CMS may choose to terminate the exercise before 10 AM.

Please contact the MCARE Help Desk if you have any questions or comments.

Medicare Customer Assistance Re: Eligibility (MCARE) Help Desk
