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Medicare HETS 270/271 - System Outage Notification & HDT Information Bulletin – May 17, 2017
User Community
HETS 270/271

Medicare HETS 270/271 HDT Users:

CMS provides the following additional information for HETS Desktop (HDT) Users: 

  • The HDT website and batch file processing system will also be offline during the announced 9:00 – 11:59 PM ET outage for tonight, Wednesday, May 17, 2017. 
  • CMS will disable use of the HDT website and batch file processing system while HETS is updating Medicare Provider/Supplier records.  CMS requests that HDT users refrain from using the HDT website to create new relationships or submit any HDT batch files during this process.  CMS will announce when these HDT restrictions are removed and HDT users can resume their normal activities. 
  • Any/all HETS Submitter ID/NPI relationship changes that were made via the HDT website or batch file processing system since 7:00 PM ET on Monday, May 15, 2017 will need to be re-created by the HETS Submitter once the HDT system is reactivated by CMS.  CMS will announce when HDT Users can begin this effort of re-creating these changes.

Please contact the Help Desk if you have any questions