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Medicare HETS 270/271 - System Outage Notifications & Reminder – Sept 20-22, Sept 27-28 & October 6, 2013
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HETS 270/271

Medicare HETS 270/271 Submitters:

CMS announces two upcoming outages to the HETS 270/271 application:

1) CMS announces an outage the weekend of September 27-28, 2013.  The maintenance window will begin at 9:00 PM ET on Friday, September 27, 2013.  The HETS 270/271 system will be unavailable during this period.  Attempts to open a connection to the HETS 270/271 application will result in errors.  CMS estimates that the maintenance window will be completed by 8:00 PM ET on Saturday, September 28, 2013.

2) CMS announces an outage on Sunday, October 6, 2013.  The maintenance window will begin at 7:00 PM ET on Sunday, October 6, 2013.  The HETS 270/271 system will be unavailable during this period.  Attempts to open a connection to the HETS 270/271 application will result in errors.  This maintenance window will overlap into the standing Monday morning maintenance window that lasts from 12:00 AM (Midnight) - 6:00 AM ET each Monday morning (more information available here: http://cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/CMS-Information-Technology/HETSHelp/Spotlight.html) CMS estimates that the total maintenance window will be completed by 6:00 AM ET on Monday, October 7, 2013.

Please note that these outages will be in addition to the previously announced outage for Friday, September 20 - Sunday, September 22, 2013.  Please remind your operational staff of this weekend's upcoming outage (as detailed below).
Medicare Customer Assistance Re: Eligibility (MCARE) Help Desk