0039 - Ophthalmology Codes for New Patient: Incorrect Coding

Dynamic List Information
Dynamic List Data
Issue Name
0039 - Ophthalmology Codes for New Patient: Incorrect Coding
Review Type
Provider Type
Physician; Professional Services
MAC Jurisdiction
All A/B MACs
RAC Type


Providers are only allowed to bill the CPT codes for New Patient visits if the patient has not received any face-to-face service from the physician or physician group practice (limited to physicians of the same specialty) within the previous 3 years. This query identifies claims for patients who have been seen by the same provider in the last 3 years but for which the provider is billing a new (instead of established) visit code

Affected Codes

92002, 92004

Applicable Policy References

1.    Social Security Act (SSA), Title XVIII- Health Insurance for the Aged and Disabled, Section 1862(a)(1)(A)- Exclusions from Coverage and Medicare as a Secondary Payer
2.    Social Security Act (SSA), Title XVIII- Health Insurance for the Aged and Disabled, Section 1833(e)- Payment of Benefits
3.    Social Security Act (SSA), Title XVIII- Health Insurance for the Aged and Disabled, Section 1861 (s)(2)(FF)- Medical and Other Health Services- personalized prevention plan services (as defined in subsection (hhh))
4.    42 CFR §405.929- Post-Payment Review
5.    42 CFR §405.930- Failure to Respond to Additional Documentation Request
6.    42 CFR §405.980- Reopening of Initial Determinations, Redeterminations, Reconsiderations, Decisions, and Reviews, (b)- Timeframes and Requirements for Reopening Initial Determinations and Redeterminations Initiated by a Contractor; and (c)- Timeframes and Requirements for Reopening Initial Determinations and Redeterminations Requested by a Party
7.    42 CFR §405.986- Good Cause for Reopening  
8.    Medicare Program Integrity Manual, Chapter 3- Verifying Potential Errors and Taking Corrective Actions, §§3.1- 3.6.6
9.    Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 12 Physicians/Non-physician Practitioners, § 30.6.7 Payment for Office or Other Outpatient Evaluation and Management (E/M) Visits (Codes 99201-99215), (A) Definition of New Patient for Selection of E/M Visit Code
10.    AMA CPT Codebook