Evaluation of Low Vision Rehabilitation Demonstration (LVRD)

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Evaluation of Low Vision Rehabilitation Demonstration (LVRD)
Project Officer(s)
Pauline Karikari-Martin
Start Date
End Date
Task Order (RADSTO)
This task order is to conduct an evaluation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS') Low Vision Rehabilitation Demonstration (LVRD) to determine the feasibility of expanding specific low vision rehabilitation provider coverage and reimbursements, when considering future payment policy for LVR services. The contractor designed and conducted the evaluation of the demonstration using quantitative and qualitative methods. The qualitative assessments examined issues pertaining to the implementation and operational experiences of the practitioners. Beneficiaries' experiences during the demonstration were also assessed. Data sources include information collected during beneficiary focus groups and provider site visits. The quantitative assessment will use Medicare claims data, to describe the utilization and characteristics of Medicare beneficiaries who used low vision rehabilitation (LVR) services prior to and during the Low Vision Rehabilitation Demonstration period nationally
Principal Investigator(s)
Christine Bishop
Project Number
The final qualitative and quantitative assessment reports are complete. The three reports are posted on the CMS website at: http://www.cms.gov/Reports/Downloads/Leutz_LowVisionProviderReport_2010.pdf http://www.cms.gov/Reports/Downloads/Leutz_LowVisionBeneReport_2010.pdf http://www.cms.gov/Reports/Downloads/Bishop_LowVisiDemoClaims_2010.pdf
Awardee Address

415 South Street, P.O. Box 9110
Waltham, MA 02254-9110
United States

Awardee Name
Brandeis University, Heller Graduate School, Institute for Health Policy