Medicaid Infrastructure Grants - States A to M

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grants - States A to M
Project Officer(s)
Effie George, Joseph Razes
Start Date
End Date
he Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Program is authorized under Section 203 of the Ticket-to-Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act. The 11-year competitive grant program provides funding to states for Medicaid infrastructure development that will build supports for people with disabilities who would like to be employed. States are encouraged to use grant funding to implement and develop the optional working disabled eligibility group (Medicaid buy-in), increase the availability of statewide personal assistance services, form linkages with other state and local agencies that provide employment related supports, and create a seamless infrastructure that will maximize the employment potential of all people with disabilities. For additional information concerning the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Program, please visit our Web site.
Principal Investigator(s)
Project Number
Here is the status of each of the 2009 Medicaid Infrastructure Grants sorted in alphabetical order from letter A to M: State: Alabama (Y2) Grant Number: 1QACMS030229/02 Awardee: Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services Annual Funding: $500,000 Project Investigator: Karen Coffey State: Alaska (Y1) Grant Number: 1QACMS030312/01 Awardee: Alaska Governor's Council on Disabilities & Special Education Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Millie Ryan State: Arizona (Y3) Grant Number: 1QACMS300122/03 Awardee: Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Dara Johnson State: Arkansas (Y2) Grant Number: 1QACMSS030230/02 Awardee: Arkansas Department of Human Services Annual Funding: $682,000 Project Investigator: Scott Holladay State: California (Y1) Grant Number: 1QACMS030313/01 Awardee: San Diego State University Research Foundation/Interwork Institute Annual Funding: $2,640,006 Project Investigator: Eric Glunt State: Connecticut (Y4) Grant Number: 1QACMS300050/04 Awardee: Connecticut Department of Social Services/Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Annual Funding: $4,631,665 Project Investigator: Amy Porter State: District of Columbia (Y3) Grant Number: 1QACMS300125/03 Awardee: District of Columbia, Department of Health Care Finance Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Allen Jensen State: Florida (Y2) Grant Number: 1QACMS030231/02 Awardee: Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: John Bartow Black State: Hawaii (Y3) Grant Number: 1QACMS300120/03 Awardee: University of Hawaii Center on Disability Studies Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Susan Miller State: Idaho (Y1) Grant Number: 1QACMS030327/01 Awardee: Idaho State Independent Living Council Annual Funding: $500,000 Project Investigator: Rachel Johnstone State: Illinois (Y3) Grant Number: 1QACMS300121/03 Awardee: Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Annual Funding: $500,000 Project Investigator: Sandra Mott State: Indiana (Y2) Grant Number: 1QACMS030232/02 Awardee: Indiana Family & Social Services Administration Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Theresa Koleszar State: Iowa (Y2) Grant Number: 1QACMS030233/02 Awardee: Iowa Department of Human Services Annual Funding: $744,000 Project Investigator: Jennifer Steenblock State: Kansas (Y3) Grant Number: 1QACMS300127/03 Awardee: Kansas Health Policy Authority Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Mary Ellen O'Brien Wright State: Louisiana (Y4) Grant Number: 1QACMS300052/04 Awardee: Louisiana State Department of Health & Hospitals Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Mack Marsh State: Maine (Y1) Grant Number: 1QACMS030316/01 Awardee: State of Maine Department of Health & Human Services Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Larry Glantz State: Maryland (Y3) Grant Number: 1QACMS300119/03 Awardee: Maryland Department of Disabilities Annual Funding: $600,000 Project Investigator: Jade Gingerich State: Massachusetts (Y2) Grant Number: 1QACMS030234/02 Awardee: University of Massachusetts Medical School Annual Funding: $5,600,409 Project Investigator: Shelley Stark State: Michigan (Y3) Grant Number: 1QACMS300124/03 Awardee: Michigan Department of Community Health Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Michael Head State: Minnesota (Y1) Grant Number: 1QACMS030325/01 Awardee: Minnesota Department of Human Services Annual Funding: $5,434,648 Project Investigator: MaryAlice Mowry State: Montana (Y1) Grant Number: 1QACMS030322/01 Awardee: Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services Annual Funding: $750,000 Project Investigator: Barbara Kriskovich
Awardee Name
See Status