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Time Study Project Data Collection and Analysis
Project Officer(s)
Abigail Ryan, Jeanette Kranacs
Start Date
End Date
Task Order
This contract was awarded to assure that payments to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) remain accurate by reflecting current patient care practices, such as allocation of nursing home staff time to residents. Medicare reimburses Part A skilled nursing services on a prospective payment system (PPS), which used the Resource Utilization Group, version three (RUG-III), case mix classification system to determine payments based on resident data. Introduced in 1998, the SNF PPS was constructed on the basis of staff time measurement studies conducted over a decade ago (in 1990, 1995, and 1997). Staff Time and Resource Intensity Verification (STRIVE) analysis suggested industry practices changed over the last decade, and CMS introduced RUG-IV through regulation to be effective October 2010. This will update SNF nursing rates, provide the means for states to update payment rates for their Medicaid nursing homes, and make available national data resulting from STRIVE analysis to State Medicaid agencies to evaluate their payment structures. The introduction of CMS's latest version of the assessment instrument, MDS 3.0, which STRIVE has analyzed to the extent its items collect resident characteristics necessary to case-mix classification under the RUG model, will be in October, 2010. This contract will continue to provide pre and post-implementation monitoring, evaluation and analysis of RUG-IV, provide technical support on RUG-IV specifications by responding to questions submitted by State agencies, and develop RUG-34, 44, and 53 Medicaid Groupers for RUG-IV.
Principal Investigator(s)
Jean Eby
Project Number
500-02-0030/0002 & HHSM-500-2008-00072C
The project has marked the completion of the second phase of this multi-state nursing home staff time measurement study (also known as Staff Time and Resource Intensity Verification (STRIVE)). Following the collection of staff time and resident characteristic data on over 9,000 residents from 205 nursing homes across fifteen states and incorporating that information into a useable database, the second phase of the project's analysis formulated the RUG-IV case-mix groups and the RUG-IV methodology was finalized into rulemaking for implementation in October, 2010. Implementation of RUG-IV began by including the development of the RUG-34, 44 and 53 Medicaid Groupers. This contract also included analysis and pre-implementation efforts for Hybrid RUG-III. Post-implementation monitoring of RUG-IV began and the completion of the STRIVE Final Report continues.
Awardee Address
6000 Westown Parkway
West, Des Moines,
United States
Awardee Name
Iowa Foundation for Medical Care