Medicare Cost Sharing

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Dynamic List Data
Medicare Cost Sharing

Table and Figure Descriptions:

Table 4.1a - Amount of Cost-Sharing Liability for Medicare Beneficiaries, by Type of Coverage and Type of Cost-Sharing Liability: Calendar Years 1977-2005

Table 4.1b - Amount of Cost-Sharing Liability for Medicare Beneficiaries, by Type of Coverage and Type of Cost-Sharing Liability: Calendar Years 1977-2006

Table 4.2a - Medicare Persons Served and Cost-Sharing Liability, by Demographic Characteristics: Calendar Year 2005

Table 4.2b - Medicare Persons Served and Cost-Sharing Liability, by Demographic Characteristics: Calendar Year 2006

Table 4.3a - Medicare Enrollees, Persons Served, and Beneficiary Cost-Sharing Liability, by Area of Residence: Calendar Year 2005

Table 4.3b - Medicare Enrollees, Persons Served, and Beneficiary Cost-Sharing Liability, by Area of Residence: Calendar Year 2006

Table 4.4a - Number of Persons Served and Cost-Sharing Liability for Medicare Beneficiaries, by Type of Liability and Type of Coverage: Calendar Year 2005

Table 4.4b - Number of Persons Served and Cost-Sharing Liability for Medicare Beneficiaries, by Type of Liability and Type of Coverage: Calendar Year 2006

Figure 4.1 - Trends in Medicare Cost-Sharing Liability:Calendar Years 1977-2005

Figure 4.2 - Total Cost-Sharing Liability for Medicare Beneficiaries, by Type of Coverage: Calendar Years 1977-2005

Figure 4.3 - Distribution of Medicare Persons Served and Amount of Cost-Sharing Liability: Calendar Year 2005