Physician/Supplier Procedure Summary (PSPS) Limited Data Set (LDS)

Physician/Supplier Procedure Summary (PSPS) Limited Data Set (LDS)

Overview of File: The Physician/Supplier Procedure Summary (PSPS) LDS file is a summary of calendar year Medicare Part B carrier and durable medical equipment fee-for-service claims. The file is organized by carrier, pricing locality, Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code, HCPCS modifier, provider specialty, type of service, and place of service. The summarized fields are total submitted services and charges, total allowed services and charges, total denied services and charges, and total payment amounts. The record layout in the Downloads section below provides additional details on the file. A Data Use Agreement is required for this file because there are cells that contain values that are less than 11. A public version of this file where small cells are suppressed is available for download at:

Data Availability: This file is produced annually and is typically available in August (i.e., data for CY2018 is usually available in August 2019). An “early” version of the PSPS file, which is developed from claims processed through March 31st of the subsequent calendar year rather than through June 30th, is typically available in June. The first year of data available is 2010.

Data Format: Self-extracting ZIP CSV files

Cost: $400

Approximate Size: 250 MB

Compatible Software Programs: Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL/DB2/Oracle, SAS or other statistical software. (Note: Microsoft Excel or TextPad cannot be used to analyze the PSPS file)

To browse the record layout, see the Downloads section below.

Please follow the instructions on the DUA - Limited Data Sets page.                                                                                                    

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:13 PM