Application Information

Application Information

This page contains information for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) applying to and participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (Shared Savings Program), including information about the Application Types & Timeline and Application Guidance & Toolkit webpages.

Application submission activities and certain program operations are conducted in the ACO Management System (ACO-MS).


Program Participation

For more information and resources on the program methodologies and participation requirements, refer to the Program Guidance & Specifications webpage.


Information for Applicants

All ACO applicants should reference the following resources.

Application Types & Timeline

Find sample applications and related resources.                                                                                   
Learn More >

Application Guidance & Toolkit

Find the Application Reference Manual and guidance to help ACOs apply to the Shared Savings Program.

Learn More >

For application questions, visit the Contact Information webpage.

Application Guidance

The Application Toolkit provides quick access to guidance relevant to all application types. For more information about applying to the Shared Savings Program, refer to the Application Guidance & Toolkit webpage.

ACO Participant List and Participant Agreement Guidance

Participating ACOs may modify their ACO Participant List and associated agreements for the upcoming performance year during established timeframes. For additional information, refer to the Application Guidance & Toolkit webpage.

SNF 3-Day Rule Waiver Guidance

Participating ACOs approved for a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) 3-Day Rule Waiver may modify their SNF Affiliate List and associated agreements for the upcoming performance year during established timeframes.

For additional information on the SNF 3-Day Rule Waiver, refer to the Application Guidance & Toolkit webpage.

Yearly ACO Signing Event

On an annual basis, the Shared Savings Program requires ACOs to review, certify, and electronically sign official program documents. Prior to the start of the upcoming performance year, ACOs must complete the Yearly ACO Signing Event. For additional information, refer to the Application & Guidance Toolkit webpage.

Requesting Technical Assistance and Reconsideration Review Guidance

ACOs may request an appeal of an initial determination by CMS in limited circumstances.

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Page Last Modified:
03/27/2025 04:49 PM