Application Toolkit

Application Toolkit & Change Request Cycle Resources

Learn about the application process to join, continue, or renew participation in the Shared Savings Program.

Serving 11.2 million beneficiaries

Application Reference Manual

The Application Reference Manual is the primary resource for ACOs applying to the Shared Savings Program and guides ACOs through the application process.

In addition to the Application Reference Manual, the resources below will assist ACOs with submitting the different elements of their application(s) and responding to requests for information (RFIs) in ACO-MS. 

Managing Program Participation Guidance

The Managing Program Participation Guidance is the primary resource for ACOs currently participating in the Shared Savings Program. This document guides current ACOs in managing and maintaining program participation for your ACOs current agreement period. For more information, please refer to the Key Change Request Actions and Deadlines found in the Knowledge Library. 

The new advance investment payments will enable health care providers in rural and other underserved areas to build the staffing, infrastructure, and care delivery improvements they need to succeed as ACOs providing high quality, equitable, accountable care to their communities. 

Meena Seshamani, M.D., PhD, Deputy Administrator and Director of the Center for Medicare

Initial Applicant

An ACO that is applying to participate in the Shared Savings Program that is not considered to have previously participated in the Shared Savings Program.


An ACO that either previously participated in the Shared Savings Program and is applying to participate in the Shared Savings Program after a break in participation or that CMS determines to be re-entering because greater than 50 percent of their ACO participants have prior participation in the same Shared Savings Program ACO in any of the five most recent past performance years (re-entering ACO).

Renewal/Early Renewal Applicant

An ACO currently participating in the Shared Savings Program that is in the final performance year of its most recent ACO Participation Agreement and intends to renew its participation for a new agreement period starting on January 1st of the upcoming calendar year without a break in participation.


An ACO currently participating in the Shared Savings Program that elects to voluntarily terminate its ACO Participation Agreement with an effective date of termination of December 31st of the current performance year and intends to apply for a new agreement period starting on January 1st of the upcoming calendar year without a break in participation.

Page Last Modified:
03/04/2025 01:32 PM