MAPD Plan Communications User Guide (PCUG)

MAPD Plan Communications User Guide (PCUG)

The MAPD Plan Communications User Guide (PCUG) contains information for using the Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MARx) System, an overview of how Plans will send data to CMS, and descriptions of the specific data files and reports that are exchanged between the Plans and CMS. The PCUG is available in the Downloads section below.

The PCUG contains the following sections:

• Establish Connectivity
• Eligibility and Enrollment
• Low Income Subsidy (LIS) Status
• Premium
• Payment
• Outbound Files and Miscellaneous
• Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug User Interface – MARx UI
• Glossary and Acronyms


Please note that the Transmissions Inventory is presented in PCUG section 7.11: All Transmissions Overview.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:26 PM