Providers & CMS Partners

Nursing Home Providers have the ability to access to current CMS guidance and regulations specific to Nursing Homes, such as that of which relates to quality and oversight and enforcement, among other program resources.

Nursing Home Providers can access Nursing Home specific resources here, such as the ability to access current training from the Quality, Safety & Education Portal and locate current topics that will be discussed at Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Open Door Forums (ODFs).

Nursing Home Providers can access links that will provide more information about the systems that they use, such as those for the Minimum Data Set (MDS), Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) and Electronic Plan of Correction (ePOC). Information on system access, training on the use of these systems and other system/data specifications are included here.

Nursing Home Providers can access COVID-19 updates for providers, including the most up to date partner toolkit, FAQs on testing requirements, and training for Nursing Homes.

Nursing Home Providers can locate payment and billing information; links provide an explanation and detailed summary of the PPS , consolidated billing and other payment rule information.