

An acronym is a term formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the major parts of a compound term. This list explains acronyms found on the web site and other acronyms that are commonly used. This list is not a legal document. Select one of the following letters to view the list of acronyms that begins with that letter.

101-110 of 4421
Glossary and Acronyms
Acronym Sort descending Term
ADA American Dietetic Association
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
ADAD After Date of Award Document
ADAMHA Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Mental Health Administration
ADAP AIDS Drug Assistance Program
ADAPSO Association of Data Processing Services Organization
ADARS Automated DASD Archival Restoration System
ADC Adult Day Care
ADG Ambulatory Diagnostic Group
ADG-HOSDOM Ambulatory Diagnostic Group Hospital Dominant