

An acronym is a term formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the major parts of a compound term. This list explains acronyms found on the web site and other acronyms that are commonly used. This list is not a legal document. Select one of the following letters to view the list of acronyms that begins with that letter.

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Glossary and Acronyms
Acronym Sort descending Term
MTOP Multiple Type of Provider
MTS Medicare Target Scenario
MTSO Medical Transcription Service Organization
MTUS Miles/Times/Units/Service
MUA Medically Undeserved Area
MUDD Maximum Direct Output
MUDS Medicare Utilization Data System
MUP Master Update Processor
MUPPET Medicare UPdate Processors for Enrollment Transactions (nee NEWDUP)
MUPS (HI) Maintenance Update Processing System