

An acronym is a term formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the major parts of a compound term. This list explains acronyms found on the web site and other acronyms that are commonly used. This list is not a legal document. Select one of the following letters to view the list of acronyms that begins with that letter.

2841-2850 of 4421
Glossary and Acronyms
Acronym Sort descending Term
OCR Office of Civil Rights
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OCSE Office of Child Support Enforcement
OCST Outstation Customer Service Team (also CSOT)
ODA Occupancy Depreciation & Amortization
ODIE Online Data Input & Edit (Subsystem) (OSCAR frontend system)
ODL Outpatient Diagnostic Laboratory
ODSN Organization Development Services Network
OEC OASIS Educational Coordinator
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer