2021 Marketplace Open Enrollment Period Public Use Files
The 2021 Open Enrollment Period for the Health Insurance Marketplaces ran between November 1, 2020 and December 15, 2020 and includes cleanup for late Marketplace activity between December 16, 2020 and December 21, 2020 for the 36 states that used HealthCare.gov (HC.gov).
For the 15 State-based Marketplace (SBM) states using their own platforms, the reporting period reflects plan selection and Marketplace activity from the beginning of OE on November 1, 2020 to the end of each SBM’s respective OEP and any run-out period. Any renewals processed before November 1, 2020 are also included. Data for each SBM are provided through the following dates: California (1/31/2021), Colorado (1/15/2021, including a run-out period to 1/18/2021), Connecticut (1/15/2021), District of Columbia (2/05/2021), Idaho (12/31/2020), Maryland (12/15/2020), Massachusetts (1/23/2021, including a run-out period to 1/28/2021), Minnesota (12/22/2020), Nevada (1/15/2021), New Jersey (1/31/2021), New York (1/31/2021), Pennsylvania (1/22/2021), Rhode Island (1/23/2021), Vermont (12/15/2020), and Washington (1/15/2021).
The PUFs contain data on individual Marketplace activity, including health insurance applications, Qualified Health Plan (QHP) selections, and stand-alone dental plan (SADP) selections. The PUFs also include demographic characteristics of consumers who made a plan selection.
CMS has prepared a number of Public Use Files (PUFs) summarizing plan selection activity during the applicable open enrollment periods.
- 2021 OEP State-Level Public Use File: The state-level PUF includes total health plan selections in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia. The PUF provides state-level data on metrics such as average monthly premium, financial assistance, age, gender, metal level, self-reported race and ethnicity, rural location, household income as a percent of the federal poverty level (FPL), and plan switching behavior among consumers with a plan selection. In addition, the state-level PUF includes data on dental plan selections and Basic Health Plan (BHP) enrollments. Certain data elements are only available for the 36 HC.gov states in 2021.
- 2021 OEP State, Metal Level, and Enrollment Status Public Use File: The state, metal level, and enrollment status PUF contains data with stratifications by state, metal level and enrollment status. It includes total health plan selections in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and state, metal level, and enrollment status-level data on enrollment status, average monthly premium, financial assistance, age, gender, self-reported race and ethnicity, rural location, metal level, and household income as percent FPL. Certain data elements are only available for the 36 HC.gov states in 2021.
- 2021 OEP County-Level Public Use File: The county-level PUF includes total health plan selections, as well as data such as average monthly premium, financial assistance, age, gender, metal level, self-reported race and ethnicity, household income as a percent of the FPL, and plan switching behavior. In addition, the county-level PUF includes data on dental plan selections. Certain data elements are only available for the 36 HC.gov states in 2021.
- 2021 OEP ZIP Code-Level Public Use File: The ZIP code-level PUF includes total health plan selections, the count of consumers with APTC, and average APTC among consumers with APTC. This PUF only includes data for consumers with a plan selection in the 36 states that used the HC.gov platform in 2021.
- 2021 OEP Snapshot Public Use File: The Snapshot PUF presents data that CMS released on a weekly basis during the 2021 Open Enrollment Period. It includes total health plan selections, including a breakdown of new and returning consumers, consumers on submitted applications, call center volume, and website usage. State level health plan selection counts are also included. CMS started to report on plan selection figures by state on November 21, 2020. This PUF only includes data for the 36 states that used the HC.gov platform in 2021.
The data are available in downloadable CSV files below. For information on the methodology and the metric definitions used in the PUFs please refer to the accompanying documents. *In this data, “gender” means the biological sex of Female (F) or Male (M).
2021 OEP State-Level Public Use File (ZIP) -
2021 OEP State, Metal Level, and Enrollment Status Public Use File (ZIP) -
2021 OEP County-Level Public Use File (ZIP) -
2021 OEP Zip Code-Level Public Use File (ZIP) -
2021 OEP Snapshot Public Use File (ZIP) -
2014-2021 OEP Deductibles and HSA Enrollment (ZIP) -
2021 Public Use Files Definitions (PDF) -
2021 Public Use Files FAQs (PDF)