

Do you have questions or concerns about the Recovery Audit Program? Please e-mail us at Please Do Not send Personal Health Information to this e-mail address.

Section 1893(h) of the Social Security Act, which authorized the Recovery Audit Program expansion nationwide, requires an annual Report to Congress, including information on the performance of such contractors on identified underpayments and overpayments and recouping overpayments, including an evaluation of the comparative performance of such contractors and savings to the program. CMS also posts quarterly updates of the Recovery Audit Program, as well as additional reports such as the National Program Total Corrections.  These reports are available in the Downloads section below.

The Recovery Audit Prepayment Review Demonstration has ended. CMS will post an evaluation of the demonstration in the future. Previous status updates are available in the Downloads section below.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:23 PM