AcronymsTerm Sort descending | Definition | |
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A "TIER" | is a specific list of drugs. Your plan may have several tiers,and your copayment amount depends on which tier your drug is listed.Plans can choose their own tiers, so members should refer to their benefit booklet or contact the plan for more information. |
ABSTRACT | Is the collection of information from the medical record via hard copy or electronic instrument. |
ABUSE | A range of the following improper behaviors or billing practices including, but not limited to:
ABUSE (PERSONAL) | When another person does something on purpose that causes you mental or physical harm or pain. |
ACCESS | Your ability to get needed medical care and services. |
ACCESSIBILITY OF SERVICES | Your ability to get medical care and services when you need them. |
ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (ADU) | A separate housing arrangement within a single-family home. The ADU is a complete living unit and includes a private kitchen and bath. |
ACCREDITATION | An evaluative process in which a healthcare organization undergoes an examination of its policies, procedures and performance by an external organization ("accrediting body") to ensure that it is meeting predetermined criteria. It usually involves both on- and off-site surveys. |
ACCREDITATION CYCLE FOR M+C DEEMING | The duration of CMS's recognition of the validity of an accrediting organization's determination that a Medicare + Choice organization (M+CO) is "fully accredited". |