The assister's standard operating procedures manual

The assister's standard operating procedures manual

This online Manual contains standard operating procedures (SOPs) for Navigators and certified application counselors (CACs) who assist consumers within a Federally-facilitated Marketplace for the individual market (also referred to as an “Individual Federally-facilitated Marketplace,” “Individual FFM,” or “Individual Marketplace”). The SOPs reflect requirements, policies, and best practices under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, and as further amended (referred to collectively as the Affordable Care Act), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations, and CMS guidance.

The CMS Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) maintains this Manual as an online catalog of topic-specific assister SOPs and will periodically update individual portions of the Manual as relevant regulations, guidance, or policies are released. In the future, CCIIO may alter, delete, suspend, or discontinue the procedures detailed in various portions of this Manual.

Introduction and Instructions for Use – updated September 2022 (PDF)

Consumer Protections: Privacy and Security Guidelines  – updated November 2022 (PDF)

Consumer Protections: Fraud Prevention Guidelines  – updated November 2022 (PDF)

SOP-1. Receive Consent Before Accessing Consumer PII  – updated March 2020 (PDF)

SOP-2. Assess Consumers’ Knowledge & Needs  – updated November 2020 (PDF)

SOP-3. Create an Account  – updated July 2020

As of June 20, 2024, this SOP is no longer accessible. Information on this topic can be found in the following resources: Microlearning: Application Walkthrough: Helping Consumers Apply for Marketplace Coverage and Microlearning: Account Creation: Identity Verification and Screening Questions.

SOP-4. Verify Identity and Resolve Potential Data Matching Issues  – updated March 2022 (PDF)

SOP-5. Apply for Health Coverage  – updated April 2023 

As of June 20, 2024, this SOP is no longer accessible. Information on this topic can be found in the following resources: Microlearning: Application Walkthrough: Helping Consumers Apply for Marketplace Coverage, Microlearning: Income: Household Size and Types of Income to Include on a Marketplace Application, Microlearning: Income: Reporting Income on a Marketplace Application, and Microlearning: Income: Resolving an Income Data Issue.

SOP-6. Review Eligibility Results  – updated March 2021 

As of June 20, 2024, this SOP is no longer accessible. Information on this topic can be found in the following resources: Microlearning Application Walkthrough: Helping Consumers Understand the Eligibility Notice and Microlearning: Application Walkthrough: Helping Consumers Apply for Marketplace Coverage.

SOP-7. Lower Costs of Coverage  – updated December 2022 (PDF)

SOP-8. Compare, Save, & Select Health Plans  – updated December 2020 

As of June 20, 2024, this SOP is no longer accessible. Information on this topic can be found in the following resource: Microlearning Application Walkthrough: Helping Consumers Enroll in Marketplace Coverage.

SOP-9. Pay Health Plan Premium  – updated November 2020

As of June 20, 2024, this SOP is no longer accessible. Information on this topic can be found in the following resources: Microlearning: Post-Enrollment Issues: Making Health Plan Premium Payments and Microlearning: Application Walkthrough: Helping Consumers Enroll in Marketplace Coverage.

SOP-10. Request a Marketplace Eligibility Appeal  – updated May 2021 (PDF)

SOP-11. Exemptions  – updated November 2022 (PDF)

SOP-12. Understanding Form 1095-A and Reconciling Advance Payments of the Premium Tax Credit  – updated October 2022 (PDF)

SOP-13. Update a Federally-facilitated Marketplace Account  – April 2023 (PDF)

SOP-14. Renew Health Coverage  – updated December 2022 (PDF)


This Manual is not intended to take the place of the statutes, regulations, and formal policy guidance it is based upon. It summarizes current policy and operations as of the date it was published. We encourage assisters to refer to these statutes, regulations, and interpretive guidance for complete and current information about the requirements that apply to them.

Certain portions of the Manual contain screenshots from that are intended only as an example of what you and/or the consumer may see when the consumer is completing an application at All names and contact information used in the screenshots are fictional. The use of health insurer names and/or health plan names are for demonstration purposes only and should not be construed as an endorsement by CMS of any specific health insurer or health plan.



Page Last Modified:
06/21/2024 01:33 PM