Archived: MDS 3.0 Technical Information

Archived: MDS 3.0 Technical Information

Below is an archive of previous versions of specifications and other documents that are related to Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0. These previous versions are posted for reference by users who need to work with older data. Active and upcoming versions of MDS 3.0 technical specifications are posted on the MDS 3.0 Technical Information page.

November 13, 2023

The “PDPM Grouper JAR Package” is now available in the Downloads section below. This V2.2001 release is an update to adjust the OBRA logic for target dates on or after October 1, 2023.   

The logic for standalone OBRA assessments will be similar to the interim payment assessments logic.

This means that: 

    If A0310A=01 and A0310B=99, use column 1 (GGxxxxx1) 

    If A0310A=02-06 and A0310B=99, use column 5 (GGxxxxx5) 

This change will affect Nursing, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy logic.

September 21, 2023

Errata V3.01.3 for MDS Data Specifications V3.01.1 (FINAL)

Errata Version (V) 3.01.3 for Minimum Data Set (MDS) Data Specifications V3.01.1 (FINAL) is now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. These specifications will go into effect on October 1, 2023. Four issues were added to the errata. IMPORTANT NOTE: Issue 23 will not be implemented in production until November 1, 2023. It will be RETROACTIVE, so modifications to assessments submitted between October 1, 2023 and November 1, 2023 will have the edits and item value changes from Issue 23 applied in assessment validation.

September 15, 2023

PDPM Grouper JAR Package V2.2000 Now Available

The “PDPM Grouper JAR Package” is now available in the Downloads section below. This release was updated to support the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 code mapping for the purposes of resident classification under the PDPM for Medicare Part A Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) stays, effective beginning October 1, 2023. Additionally, there are adjustments to certain Minimum Data Set (MDS) items based on the MDS 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) User’s Manual version (v) 1.18.11 effective beginning October 1, 2023. The full list of affected MDS items can be found within the technical documentation titled “PDPM Grouper JAR Package V2.2000.pdf”.

August 25, 2023

Errata V3.01.2 for MDS Data Specifications V3.01.1 (FINAL), FY2024 ICD-10 Codes for Item I0020B, and CAT Specifications V1.06.0 Test Files Posted

Errata Version (V) 3.01.2 for Minimum Data Set (MDS) Data Specifications V3.01.1 (FINAL) is now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. These specifications will go into effect on October 1, 2023. Nineteen issues were identified. These are primarily edit revisions, although the dash has been added as an allowed value for D0160, and the caret has been added as an allowed value for the Section GG Interim Performance items.

The Microsoft Access database containing the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10 codes allowed for item I0200B has been updated to contain tables with the codes for Fiscal Year (FY)2024. It is also available in the Downloads section.

Fixed length string test files for the CAT Specifications V1.06.0 are also available in the Downloads section. This is an addendum to the previously posted CAT Specifications V1.06.0.

June 7, 2023

MDS Data Specifications V3.01.1 (FINAL) and OSA Data Specifications V3.01.0 (FINAL) Posted

The Minimum Data Set (MDS) Data Specifications V3.01.1 (FINAL) and the Optional State Assessment (OSA) Data Specifications V3.01.0 (FINAL) are now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. These specifications will go into effect on October 1, 2023. There are both item and edit updates in the FINAL version, so please review the Item Change and Edit Change Reports. The version notes with [V3.01.1] are the revisions since the DRAFT version.

Note that the OSA Specifications are versioned as V3.01.0 because those specifications were not posted previously. It is critical to include item A0300A with a value of 1 in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) submission of OSA assessments, in order for the Internet Quality Improvement Evaluation System (iQIES) to process an assessment as an OSA.

April 7, 2023

MDS 3.0 CAT Specifications V1.06.0 for implementation on October 1, 2023

The Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Care Area Trigger (CAT) specifications (V1.06.0) are now available in the Downloads section below. The specifications currently consist of the PDF documentation files, which describe the logic changes and provide pseudocode. Note that many of the CAT triggers are changing as a result of the V3.01.0 MDS Data Specification changes already posted.

In the recent MDS vendor call, it was determined that the fixed-length string test files provided in past CAT specification packages are still of use to vendors. Therefore, they will be posted as an addendum at a later date.

April 7, 2023

MDS Data Specifications 3.00.1 Readme file

A readme file has been posted in the Downloads section regarding the impact of the April 17, 2023 Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) transition on data submissions.

MDS 3.0 Technical Information

February 23, 2023

iQIES for MDS Submission Release on April 17, 2023

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is excited to announce that the transition of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment submission and reporting functionality to the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) will occur on April 17, 2023.

To properly prepare for the transition, the QIES Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) system for MDS submissions will be turned off on Thursday, April 13 at 8:00 pm EST. Providers should submit completed MDS records prior to 8:00 pm EST on April 13th to QIES (ASAP) or wait until 8:00 am EST on April 17th to submit data in iQIES. Providers are expected to take into account all requirements when determining the date they submit completed MDS records, including but not limited to, submission timeliness, claims processing, and care planning requirements.

CMS will provide additional information through various email notifications regarding training, technical guidance, details on what to expect, and more.

Register for an iQIES Account

Please note that failure to obtain access to iQIES prior to April 17, 2023 will impact your ability to submit MDS records. As mentioned in previous communications, nursing home and swing bed providers who are required to submit data to CMS must have at least one staff person assigned and approved as the facility Provider Security Official (PSO), who works for the provider and is responsible for approving all other users for their facility. For information and instructions to register for an iQIES account, please visit:

February 14, 2023

MDS Data Specifications V3.01.0 (DRAFT) Posted

The MDS Data Specifications V3.01.0 (DRAFT) are now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. These specifications will go into effect on October 1, 2023. There are a significant number of changes in this version, primarily in Sections A, D, GG, J, K, N, O and Q. Also, Section G has been removed. Please refer to the Item Change and Edit Change reports for details. Note that these specifications no longer contain the OSA assessment; the specifications for that assessment will be posted separately at a later date. A FINAL version of these specifications will be posted in May 2023.

September 23, 2022

jRAVEN V.1.8.2 Posted

The Resident Assessment Validation and Entry System (jRAVEN) was developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). jRAVEN is a free Java based software application which provides an option for facilities to collect and maintain Minimum Data Set (MDS) Assessment data for subsequent submission to the appropriate state and/or national data repository. jRAVEN displays the MDS Item Sets similar to the paper version of the forms. Please consult the jRAVEN Installation and User Guides for additional information.

jRAVEN v1.8.2 is now available for download in the Downloads section. Users do not need a previous version of jRAVEN to download, install or use jRAVEN v1.8.2.

jRAVEN v1.8.2 includes the following update:

  • The new MDS Validation Utility Tool (VUT), v3.6.1, updated to support the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Codes for I0020B that are in effect as of 10/1/2022, as well as the remapping of GG Discharge items when a dash is used from Warning Edit -3897 to Warning Edit -3908 (Issues 18 and 19 in Errata 3.00.8).
  • The new Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper, v2.1000, updated to include the ICD codes that are effective 10/01/2022.

September 19, 2022

PDPM Grouper V2.1000

An updated version of the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper V2.1000 has been posted in the Downloads section. This update is just a documentation update to clarify the following:

  • Jars are packaged differently (snf-x.x.x-jar-with-dependencies removed). Instead, jars in the “lib” folder should be included on the classpath to avoid compilation issues (refer to snf.bat).
  • The software now uses a Protobuf bin file in place of the original/plain CSV files for processing; however, to maintain consistency, we are still providing the corresponding CSV files in the src\main\resources\specTableCSV folder.

August 19, 2022

FY2023 ICD-10 codes for MDS V3.00.1 (FINAL) Data Submission Specifications Posted

An updated Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Codes database for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) V3.00.1 (FINAL) Data Specifications is now available under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. The database contains two new tables. The table pdpm_icd_codes_FY2023 contains the allowed FY2023 codes for I0020B, while table pdpm_icd_codes_2_FY2023 contains FY2023 codes that can also be used in I0020B for states that opt in to calculating PDPM on standalone OBRA assessments.

February 9, 2022

jRAVEN v.1.8.1 Posted

The Resident Assessment Validation and Entry System (jRAVEN) was developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). jRAVEN is a free Java based software application which provides an option for facilities to collect and maintain Minimum Data Set (MDS) Assessment data for subsequent submission to the appropriate state and/or national data repository. jRAVEN displays the MDS Item Sets similar to the paper version of the forms. Please consult the jRAVEN Installation and User Guides for additional information.

jRAVEN v1.8.1 is now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. Users do not need a previous version of jRAVEN to download, install or use jRAVEN v1.8.1.

jRAVEN v1.8.1 includes the following update:

The new version number for the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper, v2.0003

January 24, 2022

PDPM Grouper V2.0003 Posted

An updated version of the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper has been posted in the Downloads section below with the new version number V2.0003 and will be implemented into the Minimum Data Set (MDS) Assessment Submission And Processing (ASAP) system on Friday February 4, 2022. This new version was repackaged to address a security vulnerability with the third party library Log4J. The library was upgraded to v2.17.1. This version also contains a correction to ensure the program works with the most recent versions of OpenJDK. No logic changes were made to the PDPM/Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) component itself to address these issues.

jRAVEN v1.8.0 includes the following update:

The new version number for the PDPM Grouper, v2.0002.

January 7, 2022

The Resident Assessment Validation and Entry System (jRAVEN) was developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). jRAVEN is a free Java based software application which provides an option for facilities to collect and maintain MDS Assessment data for subsequent submission to the appropriate state and/or national data repository. jRAVEN displays the MDS Item Sets similar to the paper version of the forms. Please consult the jRAVEN Installation and User Guides for additional information.

jRAVEN v1.8.0 includes the following update:

The new version number for the PDPM Grouper, v2.0002.

December 27, 2021

PDPM Grouper V2.0002 Posted

An updated version of the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper has been posted in the Downloads section below with the new version number V2.0002 and will be implemented into the Minimum Data Set (MDS) Assessment Submission And Processing (ASAP) system on Thursday, January 6, 2022.This update addresses two issues with the Non-Therapy Ancillary (NTA) comorbidities mapping. First, it corrects an issue where diagnosis codes were mapped to NTA comorbidities as 1 to 1 mappings where 1 to 2 mappings were intended from the PDPM_International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD10)_Mappings_FY20XX Excel sheet. The list of affected diagnosis codes are: D89810, D89811, D89812, D89813, K7041, M3211, M3213, M3301, M3311, M3321, M3391, M3481, T8630, T8631, T8632, T8633, T8639, Z48280, Z943. Second, it fixes a spacing issue in the NTA comorbidity description name “Disorders of Immunity – Except: RxCC97: Immune Disorders”, which resulted in those points not adding up correctly during the NTA comorbidity score calculation.

Additionally, this new version was repackaged to address a security vulnerability with the third party library Log4J. The library was upgraded to v2.16.0. No changes were made to the PDPM/Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) component itself to address the updated Log4J file.

November 23, 2021

jRAVEN v1.7.9 Now Available

The Resident Assessment Validation and Entry System (jRAVEN) was developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). jRAVEN is a free Java based software application which provides an option for facilities to collect and maintain Minimum Data Set (MDS) Assessment data for subsequent submission to the appropriate state and/or national data repository. jRAVEN displays the MDS Item Sets similar to the paper version of the forms. Please consult the jRAVEN Installation and User Guides for additional information.

jRAVEN v1.7.9 is now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. Users do not need a previous version of jRAVEN to download, install or use jRAVEN v1.7.9.

jRAVEN v1.7.9 includes the following update:

  • The new version number for the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper, v2.0001.

November 8, 2021

Final Version of Java PDPM Grouper Posted

An update to the FINAL version of the Java Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper, v.2.0 has been posted in the Downloads section below. This update to Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) addresses two issues. It corrects a logic issue on “Behavioral Symptoms and Cognitive Performance” under Nursing payment component. When C0100 and C0500 are both dashes (not assessed), the grouper returned an incorrect nursing classification. A nursing component of BAB1 may be being returned in error. It also corrects a Non-Therapy Ancillary (NTA) comorbidity score calculation. The Grouper was calculating I8000: End-Stage Liver Disease and I8000: Immune Disorders as 2 points each but those should only count as 1 point each.

September 22, 2021

jRAVEN v1.7.8 Posted

The Resident Assessment Validation and Entry System (jRAVEN) was developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). jRAVEN is a free Java based software application which provides an option for facilities to collect and maintain Minimum Data Set (MDS) Assessment data for subsequent submission to the appropriate state and/or national data repository. jRAVEN displays the MDS Item Sets similar to the paper version of the forms. Please consult the jRAVEN Installation and User Guides for additional information.

jRAVEN v1.7.8 includes the following enhancements:

  • The new MDS Validation Utility Tool (VUT), v3.6.0, updated to support the new International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) Code files that are in effect as of 10/1/2021, as well as the removal of the Section S items for the state of Vermont.
  • The new Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper, v2.0000, updated to include the ICD-10 codes that are effective 10/01/2021.

September 21, 2021

Final Version of PDPM Grouper v.2.0 Posted

An update to the FINAL version of the Java Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper, v.2.0 has been posted in the Downloads section below. This update to the PDPM package is to enable vendor direct integration with the jars through a provided batch script and to update the snf-2.0.0-qa-test.jar file. Users can reference the readme.txt within the jars/directory for more details. Note that all other jars remained the same.

The PDPM Grouper Java Archive (JAR) Package V2.0 technical documentation was updated with the correct email address for vendor support questions. Also, the note regarding logic updates to the Non-Therapy Ancillary (NTA) Comorbidity Score Calculation for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 1040 Items refers to a change in the GROUPER logic that was made in January 2021 to correct a technical error that allowed two points to be added to the total NTA score instead of one point as originally intended by the PDPM coding logic. While this technical error affected very few stays (0.075%) from October 2019 to December 2020, a description of the logic change was not included in the documentation when the revised GROUPER DLL was posted in January 2021. The coding logic contained in the current production GROUPER since January 2021 and in the Java GROUPER that is effective October 2021 should be utilized from this point forward.

August 27, 2021

Lookup Files for I0020B Updated for FY 2022

The lookup files containing the allowable International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes for item I0020B have been updated for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 and is posted as a separate ZIP file. The file is located in the Downloads section below.

August 25, 2021

Final Version of PDPM Grouper v.2.0 Posted

The FINAL version of the Java Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Grouper, v.2.0 has been posted. This year applies to Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. These files are located in the Downloads section below.

April 19, 2021

A beta test version of the Java PDPM Grouper has been posted. This version is to allow users to familiarize themselves with the Java program. The Fiscal Year 2022 PDPM Grouper, v.2.0, will be distributed only in a Java version.

These files are located in the Downloads section below.

February 04, 2021

An update to the PDPM Grouper DLL package was posted. This is NOT a change to the previously posted DLL file itself, just supporting information. The documentation file was updated, as there were NTA mapping changes not previously documented. Also, one file in the source code zip from the previous package, mdsgrouper,h, was not the latest version. The correct version is included in this updated package. NOTE: the DLL was compiled with the latest version of mdsgrouper.h in the previous package. Therefore, there is no change to the DLL file itself.

An updated errata (V3.00.7) was posted for the FINAL version (v3.00.1) of the MDS 3.0 Data Specifications, currently in production. The resolution to issue 17 in the previous errata was flawed, as the addition of edit -3963d prevented submission of IPA inactivations. Therefore, edit -3963d has been suspended for now, and will be revised in a future release.

The updated PDPM package and revised errata are posted in the Downloads section below.

January 07, 2021

An update to the PDPM Grouper DLL has been posted, along with its source code and test cases. This version, V1.0009, adds support for new ICD-10 codes that may be used for assessments with target date on or after January 1, 2021: Z11.52, Z20.822, Z86.16, M35.81, M35.89 and J12.82. (Note that codes M35.81 and M35.89 replace code M35.8, which should no longer be used on assessments with target date on or after January 1, 2021.)

In addition, the lookup files containing the allowable ICD-10 codes for item I0020B (as of January 1, 2021) have been updated to contain the new ICD-10 codes listed above, as well as remove M35.8. They are posted as a separate ZIP file.

These files are located in the Downloads section below.

January 01, 2021

The Validation Utility Tool (VUT) is a software utility that can be used to validate MDS 3.0 submission files in XML format. The tool enforces the edits that are mapped to the MDS 3.0 items as published in the MDS 3.0 Data Specifications.

The v3.5.0 VUT continues to support older data specification versions and has been updated to incorporate Issue 17 in Errata v3.00.6 to the current Data Specifications, as well as new ICD codes and is in effect on January 1, 2021. The MDS VUT version 3.5.0 is now available in the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage.

Please note that there are edits which the VUT cannot support because they are edits against existing ASAP system data. The VUT does not interface with ASAP therefore it cannot confirm those edits. The VUT does not currently interface with the RUG III and IV DLLs, or the new PDPM DLLs, therefore it does not recalculate and confirm that Grouper values are correct.

January 01, 2021

The Resident Assessment Validation and Entry System (jRAVEN) was developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). jRAVEN is a free Java based software application which provides an option for facilities to collect and maintain MDS Assessment data for subsequent submission to the appropriate state and/or national data repository. jRAVEN displays the MDS Item Sets similar to the paper version of the forms. Please consult the jRAVEN Installation and User Guides for additional information.

jRAVEN v1.7.7 is now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. Users do not need a previous version of jRAVEN to download, install or use jRAVEN v1.7.7.

jRAVEN v1.7.7 includes the following enhancements:

  • The new MDS VUT, v3.5.0, updated to support Issue #17 in Errata v3.00.6 and the new ICD Code files that are in effect as of 1/1/2021
  • The new PDPM Grouper, v1.0009, updated to include the ICD codes that are effective 01/01/2021

December 10, 2020

An updated errata (V3.00.6) was posted for the FINAL version (v3.00.1) of the MDS 3.0 Data Specifications, currently in production. One issue was identified. This change will go into the next production release in early 2021. As a result, one edit will be revised to include an additional subedit. This change will ensure inactivation assessments contain all required items.

October 14, 2020

The Resident Assessment Validation and Entry System (jRAVEN) was developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). jRAVEN is a free Java based software application which provides an option for facilities to collect and maintain MDS Assessment data for subsequent submission to the appropriate state and/or national data repository. jRAVEN displays the MDS Item Sets similar to the paper version of the forms. Please consult the jRAVEN Installation and User Guides for additional information.

jRAVEN v1.7.6 is now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage. Users do not need a previous version of jRAVEN to download, install or use jRAVEN v1.7.6.

jRAVEN v1.7.6 includes the following enhancement:

  • The new PDPM Grouper, V1.0008, included in this are the six ICD-10 codes that were added in the 1.0007 version

October 09, 2020

An update to the PDPM Grouper DLL has been posted, along with its source code and test cases. This version, V1.0008, corrects an issue with a dynamic array that was not consistently reinitialized when processing multiple assessments within a short time frame. This occasionally caused incorrect PDPM recalculation results when processing pre- and post- 10/01/2020 assessments.

September 29, 2020

An update to the PDPM Grouper DLL has been posted, along with its source code and test cases. This version, V1.0007, adds six ICD-10 codes that were inadvertently excluded from the NTA calculation: T8484XA, T8389XA, T8321XA, T82399A, T82392A, and T83021A.

September 14, 2020

The FINAL version of the PDPM Grouper DLL V1.0006 has been posted, along with its source code and test cases. This version supports the calculation of PDPM payment codes on OBRA assessments when not combined with the 5-day SNF PPS assessment, specifically the OBRA comprehensive (NC) and OBRA quarterly (NQ) assessment item sets. Note that the grouper will return 4-character codes for these OBRAs.

It is important to include the control item STATE_PDPM_OBRA_CD (as defined in the V3.00.5 errata for the FINAL version (v3.00.1) of the MDS 3.0 Data Specifications) for assessments with target date on or after October 1, 2020.

Note that this FINAL version supports the ICD-10 codes that are defined in the data specifications as valid for item I0020B for FY2021. Also, please note that the grouper expects valid FY2021 ICD-10 codes for I8000A-J when processing assessments with target date on or after October 1, 2020.

In addition, the lookup files containing the allowable ICD codes for item I0020B have been updated for FY2021 and is posted as a separate ZIP file. The file is located in the Downloads section below.

June 25, 2020

An updated errata (V3.00.5) was posted for the FINAL version (v3.00.1) of the MDS 3.0 Data Specifications, currently in production. Two issues were identified. These changes will go into production on October 1, 2020. As a result, two edits will be revised. These changes will facilitate calculation of PDPM HIPPS codes on OBRA assessments for states that wish to have this calculation performed.

May 15, 2020

In response to State Medicaid Agency and stakeholder requests, CMS has updated the MDS 3.0 item sets (version 1.17.2) and related technical data specifications. These changes will support the calculation of PDPM payment codes on OBRA assessments when not combined with the 5-day SNF PPS assessment, specifically the OBRA comprehensive (NC) and OBRA quarterly (NQ) assessment item sets, which was not possible with item set version 1.17.1. This will allow State Medicaid Agencies to collect and compare RUG-III/IV payment codes to PDPM ones and thereby inform their future payment models.

The changes to the technical data specifications that support these modifications are contained in the Errata v3.00.4 which can be accessed in the file: MDS 3.0 data specs errata (v3.00.4) Final 04-30-2020 in the Downloads section below. Supporting materials including the 1.17.2 Item Change History report and the revised 1.17.2 Item Sets can be accessed in the file: MDS 3.0 Final Item Sets v1.17.2 for October 1 2020 zip also posted in the Downloads section below.

Please confirm with your State Medicaid Agency if your State will be requiring the calculation of the PDPM payment codes on the OBRA assessments when not combined with a 5-day SNF PPS assessment.

March 27, 2020

CMS is delaying the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 v1.18.1 release, which had been scheduled for October 1, 2020, in response to stakeholder concerns. The MDS item sets are used by Nursing Home and Swing Bed providers to collect and submit patient data to CMS. This MDS data informs payment, quality, and the survey process.

In December of 2019, CMS posted a draft of the MDS 3.0 item set v1.18.0 and received feedback from our stakeholders. We would like to thank the stakeholders for sharing their concerns regarding the proposed changes to the MDS 3.0 item sets and more specifically the removal of the Section G items from OBRA assessments.

The MDS changes CMS planned for October 1, 2020 will now be delayed. CMS staff are actively engaged in discussions with various stakeholders, regarding the various changes, the impacts of these changes, as well as, the compressed timeline to educate and train facility staff and update software and IT systems.

Please direct any comments or questions regarding the above information to mailbox.

November 08, 2019

An updated errata (V3.00.3) was posted for the FINAL version (v3.00.1) of the MDS 3.0 Data Specifications, currently in production. Two issues were identified. One edit, -3941, will be deleted, and one edit, -3965, will be added. These changes will go into production on December 3, 2019. Once in production, these two changes will be retroactive, applying to all assessments with target dates on or after October 1, 2019.

August 20, 2019

The FINAL version (V3.00.1) of the MDS 3.0 Data Specifications was posted. This version is scheduled to become effective October 1, 2019. Note that there have been additional revisions since the errata – they can be identified by looking for “post-errata” in the version notes for the items and edits. Also, the lookup file for the allowable ICD codes in item I0020B has been updated, and it is posted as a separate ZIP file. The files are located in the Downloads section below.


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01/16/2025 10:37 AM