Hearing Officer Electronic Filing

Hearing Officer Electronic Filing

Electronic filing is available for Hearing Officer appeals through the Office of Hearings Case and Document Management System (“OH CDMS”). OH CDMS is a web-based portal for parties to enter and maintain their cases and to correspond with the CMS Hearing Officer. Access to specific cases is limited to the parties of the case, including party representatives.

Manuals are included below to assist with the registration process and the functionality of the Hearing Officer module.

For any system or registration questions, contact the OH CDMS Help Desk at 1-833-783-8255 or Helpdesk_OHCDMS@cms.hhs.gov.  

For general non-system questions, please direct your inquires to the Office of Hearings via e-mail at HearingOfficer@cms.hhs.gov.


Note: Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Data Validation ("MA RADV") appeals use a separate OH CDMS module apart from the Hearing Officer module. Please reference the Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Data Validation Appeals page for electronic filing information and other reference materials specific to that appeal type.


Page Last Modified:
01/17/2025 06:33 AM