Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol Settlements

Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol Settlements

The CMS Voluntary Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol (SRDP) enables providers of services and suppliers to self-disclose actual or potential violations of the physician self-referral statute. The following table displays settlements to date and will be updated on a yearly basis. 

Calendar YearNumber of Disclosures SettledRange of Amounts of SettlementsAggregate Amount of Settlements
20113$60 - $579,000$709,060
201214$1,600 - $584,700$1,236,200
201324$760 - $317,620$2,468,348
201441$3,322 - $463,473$5,175,168
201549$5,081 - $815,405$6,706,458
202127$631 - $1,110,148$1,988,451
2022103$299 - $1,171,174$9,287,866
2023176$2 - $548,302$12,560,017
2024314$4 - $1,157,722$24,737,356
Totals919$2 - $1,196,188$84,742,073


As of December 31, 2024, an additional 318 disclosures to the SRDP were withdrawn, closed without settlement or settled by CMS’ law enforcement partners.

Because disclosures of actual or potential violations of the physician self-referral law include proprietary, confidential, or otherwise nondisclosable information, we present settlement information on an aggregate basis.

Page Last Modified:
02/24/2025 08:13 AM