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Research Articles

Monitoring and Reporting Hospital-Acquired Conditions: A Federalist Approach

Many states use the collected data on Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) and other serious adverse events for quality improvement initiatives and to provide greater transparency through public reporting. Although innovative and partially influenced by Medicare’s HAC program, these initiatives suggest an opportunity to develop a national reporting system template with standard definitions, methodology, and reporting.

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Trends In Complicated Newborn Hospital Stays & Costs, 2002–2009: Implications For The Future

Study of data on newborn hospital stays showed that complicated births billed to Medicaid increased from 2002 to 2009. Policies to prevent common birth complications have the potential to reduce costs for public programs and improve birth outcomes.

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Effect of Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent Policy Decisions on Off-Label Use in Myelodysplastic Syndromes

In 2007, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released safety warnings about a treatment involving drugs that stimulate the bone marrow to produce blood cells for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)—specific blood-related forms of cancer. The warnings discouraged the treatments’ use in non-MDS forms of cancer. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services restricted the coverage of ESAs for Medicare non-MDS cancer patients. The warnings and restriction resulted in an unanticipated lowering of ESA use in Medicare MDS patients by 7.9% by the first half of 2008. Two out of three MDS treatment guidelines examined had worsened in the same period.

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The Impact of Hospital-Acquired Conditions on Medicare Program Payments

Researchers find that certain conditions acquired by Medicare patients during hospital stays cost the Medicare program over $146 million per year more than if those conditions were prevented. Improving care quality in hospitals by applying evidence-based guidelines could prevent such conditions and reduce Medicare costs.

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HAC-POA Policy Effects on Hospitals, Other Payers, and Patients

The CMS Hospital-Acquired Conditions-Present on Admission (HAC-POA) policy resulted in improved hospital safety culture, increased staffing teamwork, more thorough coding documentation, and improved adherence to clinical guidelines within the first three years of implementation. Financial impact of the policy to hospitals and insurers was viewed as minimal.

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Embry Howell, Ashley Palmer, Sarah Benatar, and Bowen Garrett
Ravi Sharma, Lydie A. Lebrun-Harris, Quyen Ngo-Metzger
Gregory C. Pope, Henry Bachofer, Andrew Pearlman, John Kautter, Elizabeth Hunter, Daniel Miller, and Patricia Keenan
John Kautter, Gregory C. Pope, Melvin Ingber, Sara Freeman,Lindsey Patterson, Michael Cohen, and Patricia Keenan
John Kautter, Gregory C. Pope, and Patricia Keenan
Gregory Pope, John Kautter, Musetta Leung, Michael Trisolini, Walter Adamache, and Kevin Smith
Richard Kronick and W. Pete Welch
Jason Petroski, David Ferraro, and Adam Chu
Bryan Dowd, Chia-hsuan Li, Tami Swenson, Robert Coulam, Jesse Levy
Bisakha Sen, Justin Blackburn, Michael Morrisey, David Becker, Meredith Kilgore, Cathy Caldwell, Nir Menachemi
Jon Christianson, Daniel Maeng, Jean Abraham, Dennis P. Scanlon, Jeffrey Alexander, Jessica Mittler, and Michael Finch
Derek DeLia, Jian Tong, Dorothy Gaboda, and Lawrence P. Casalino
Glenn Landers and Mei Zhou
Dana B. Mukamel, Richard H. Fortinsky, Alan White, Charlene Harrington, Laura M. White, Quyen Ngo-Metzger
Kathleen C. Thomas and Jean P. Hall
Steven Sheingold & Nguyen Xuan Nguyen
Annie Lintzenich Andrews, Annie N. Simpson, William T. Basco Jr., Ronald J. Teufel II,
Matlin Gilman and Jeff Stensland
Gigi Cuckler and Andrea Sisko
Benjamin D. Sommers, Emily Arntson, Genevieve M. Kenney, Arnold M. Epstein
Elizabeth A. Cook, Kathleen M. Schneider, Elizabeth Chrischilles, John M. Brooks
Samuel K. Peasah, Niccie L. McKay, Jeffrey S. Harman, Mona Al-Amin, Robert L. Cook
Thomas J. O’Byrne, Nilay D. Shah, Douglas Wood, Robert E. Nesse, Patrick J. F. Killinger, William J. Litchy, Robert J. Stroebel, Amy E. Wagie, James M. Naessens
Brian E. O’Donnell, Kathleen M. Schneider, John M. Brooks, Gregory Lessman, June Wilwert, Elizabeth Cook, Glenda Martens, Kara Wright, Elizabeth A. Chrischilles
Robert L. Kane, Andrea Wysocki, Shriram Parashuram, Tetyana Shippee, Terry Lum
Nir Menachemi, Justin Blackburn, David J. Becker, Michael A. Morrisey, Bisakha Sen, Cathy Caldwell
E. Kathleen Adams, Sara Markowitz, Patricia M. Dietz, Van T. Tong
James C. Vertrees, Richard F. Averill, Jon Eisenhandler, Anthony Quain, James Switalski
Julia Adler-Milstein, Claudia Salzberg, Calvin Franz, E. John Orav, David Westfall Bates
Fredric Evan Blavin and Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin
Rajul A. Patel, Mark P. Walberg, Joseph A. Woelfel, Michelle M. Amaral, Paresh Varu
Fang He and Chapin White
Didem Bernard, Cathy Cowan, Thomas Selden, Liming Cai, Aaron Catlin, and Stephen Heffler
Riley, Gerald F.
Sujha Subramanian, Florence K. L. Tangka, Susan A. Sabatino, David Howard, Lisa C. Richardson, Susan Haber, Michael T. Halpern, and Sonja Hoover
Kyoungrae Jung and Roger Feldman
James Marton, Genevieve M. Kenney, Jennifer E. Pelletier, Jeffery Talbert, Ariel Klein
Derek DeLia, Donald Hoover, Joel C. Cantor
Benjamin Lee Howell, Jennifer Wolff, Bradley Herring
David Moskowitz, Bruce Guthrie, Andrew B. Bindman
Pramit A. Nadpara and Suresh S. Madhavan
Jennifer Humensky, Henry Carretta, Kristin de Groot, Melissa M. Brown, Elizabeth Tarlov, Denise M. Hynes
Meredith L. Kilgore, Wilson Smith, Jeffrey R. Curtis, Michael A. Morrisey, David J. Becker, Kenneth G. Saag, Elizabeth Delzell
Michael Taitel, Leonard Fensterheim, Heather Kirkham, Ryan Sekula, Ian Duncan
Laura P. Sands, Huiping Xu, Joseph Thomas III, Sudeshna Paul, Bruce A. Craig, ,Marc Rosenman, Caroline C. Doebbeling, Michael Weiner
Mitchell, Jean M.
Michael A. Morrisey, Justin Blackburn, Bisakha Sen, David Becker, Meredith L. Kilgore, Cathy Caldwell, Nir Menachemi
Mike McCue
Siran M. Koroukian, Paul M. Bakaki, Cynthia Owusu,Craig C. Earle, Gregory S. Cooper
Renee Gindi and Robin A. Cohen
Amy M. Gass Kandilov, Gregory C. Pope, John Kautter, Deborah Healy
Peter D. McNair & Harold S. Luft
Thomas DeLeire, Lindsey Leininger, Laura Dague, Shannon Mok, Donna Friedsam
Steven A. Blackwell, Melissa A. Montgomery, Dave K. Baugh,
Becky A. Briesacher, Jennifer Tjia, Chyke A. Doubeni, Yong Chen, Sowmya R. Rao
Suzanne M. Goodwin & Gerard F. Anderson
Jayasree Basu & Lee Rivers Mobley
Troy Quast & Karoline Mortensen
Steven A. Blackwell et al.
Gerald F. Riley, Joan L. Warren, Linda C. Harlan, and Steven A. Blackwell
Gigi Cuckler, Anne Martin, Lekha Whittle, Stephen
Sharada Weir, Heather E. Posner, Jianying Zhang, Whitney C. Jones, Georgianna Willis, Jeffrey D. Baxter, and Robin E. Clark
Nguyen Xuan Nguyen & Steven H. Sheingold
Jessica N. Mittler, Bruce E. Landon, Alan M. Zaslavsky, and Paul D. Cleary
M.S. Vaughan-Sarrazin, X. Lu,, P. Cram
Chapin White and Nguyen Nguyen
Mills, Ronald E., R.R. Butler, et al.
Sommers, Anna S., J. Paradise, and C. Miller
Seiber, Eric E. and T.R. Sahr