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Submit a petition for an IDR entity seeking certification

Applicants interested in becoming a certified independent dispute resolution (IDR) entity who meet the minimum qualification standards will proceed to the public petition period. During this period, the public can submit a petition for denial of the application for certification. A list of eligible entities will be posted each week, and will remain open for petitions for 5 business days.

How to submit a petition

Members of the public, providers, facilities, providers of air ambulance services, plans or issuers, and state regulators can petition for the denial of the certification of an IDR entity.

Petitioners must complete a petition form that identifies the IDR entity seeking certification, and outline the reasons for the petition. It’s recommended that petitioners include supporting documents when submitting their petition. Petitioners will receive an emailed acknowledgement of the receipt of their petition within 10 days. After review, if the petition adequately shows a failure to comply with the requirements of the No Surprises Act, the IDR applicant will be notified. The applicant will then have the chance to provide a response, and a final decision will be made on certification.

There are no applicants for this week


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Page Last Modified:
03/18/2025 03:45 PM