Long-Term Services and Supports Technical Assistance Center

Long-Term Services and Supports Technical Assistance Center

Partnering for Care

Indian Health Service Native American Programs at Administration for Community Living Native American Programs Administration for Community Living

The American Indian and Alaska Native Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Technical Assistance Center is supported by a partnership between CMS, the Indian Health Service, and the Administration on Aging, part of the Administration for Community Living.

Working together, these three agencies are providing technical assistance resources to help communities create effective LTSS systems for American Indian and Alaska Native elders, whether they live on reservations, in rural areas, or in urban areas.

The Technical Assistance Center is the home for all LTSS information for tribal audiences, so tribes, villages, tribal government officials, and health planners can find the information they need in one place.

New to LTSS planning?
Don't know where to start?
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LTSS Forum

LTSS Webinars - Our next webinar will be on April 27, 2016.

Social Media - Connect with CMS on Twitter

LTSS Newsletter – Sign up for our monthly email newsletter

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Information for Elders

Looking for care for yourself or someone you know? Learn more >

Need help with a complaint about long-term care? Learn more >

Resource Library

Browse a library of LTSS information to learn about:

  • Care models
  • National resources
  • State Medicaid plans and waivers
  • Best practices
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Roadmap for Planning

The Roadmap for Planning is an online tool for step-by-step LTSS planning.

Start where your community is today, whether you have services now, or are planning them for the first time.

Visit Roadmap
Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:04 PM