Innovation Center Videos
Innovation Center Videos
What Does the CMS Innovation Center Do?
Hear from Director Dr. Liz Fowler about the CMS Innovation Center, an incubator for testing new ideas to improve quality and lower the cost of health care for people with Medicare and Medicaid and better support providers and patients. Read more about the CMS Innovation Center and its strategy.
What Is a CMS Innovation Center Model?
Hear from Eliot Fishman, the Policy and Programs Group Director at the CMS Innovation Center, explain what is a model and what it could mean for you. Search Innovation Center models, and hear from patients and providers about their experiences in different models.
Why Does the Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model Provide Caregiver Support?
Tonya Saffer, director of the division at the CMS Innovation Center that implements GUIDE, talks about the importance of supporting caregivers. Learn more about GUIDE, and how it is helping families affected by dementia.