BPCI Advanced: Applicant Resources

BPCI Advanced: Applicant Resources

Application Resources for Model Year 7 (2024)

In October 2022, CMS announced a two-year extension of the BPCI Advanced Model which launched on October 1, 2018 and was set to end on December 31, 2023, will now conclude on December 31, 2025. There is now a Request for Applications (RFA) for Medicare-enrolled providers, suppliers, or Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) to start participation in the Model on January 1, 2024 (Model Year 7). To be eligible for participation in the extension, New Convener Applicants must be Medicare-enrolled entities or Medicare ACOs. Existing Convener Participants that do not meet the new requirements will be permitted to remain in the Model during the extension years. The BPCI Advanced Application Portal closed on May 31, 2023. New Participants for MY7 (2024) will be announced in December 2023.

Update as of April 2023: In response to stakeholder feedback, CMS is extending the period for data review to at least 8 weeks after distribution of baseline data and preliminary Target Prices. Applicants can still expect to receive these baseline data and Target Prices in September 2023. Applicants will then be required to submit a signed Model Year 7 Participation Agreement and a completed Participant Profile by December 4, 2023. Additional required deliverables will be due on December 18, 2023. Please refer to the updated Timeline - Application Process for 2023 (PDF) for a full timeline of the application process.  

Are you a current Participant? Existing Convener Participants and Non-Convener Participants would not need to apply for participation in the two-year extension period; these Participants can continue to participate in the Model by signing an Amended and Restated Participation Agreement for Model Year 7 (2024), provided that neither the Participant nor CMS has terminated the entity’s participation in the Model during 2023.   

Are you a former Participant?  As a PGP, ACH or Medicare ACO you will have the opportunity to apply for Model Year 7 as either Convener, Non-Convener, or as an Episode Initiator under a Convener.

Review the Model Overview Fact Sheet- Model Year 6 (PDF) and watch a short Model Overview animated video for more information.

Timeline - Application Process for 2023

BPCI-A 2023 Applilcation Process Timeline Graphic


How To Apply - Application Portal closed May 31, 2023

CMS will only accept applications via the BPCI Advanced Application Portal.


General Information


Technical Resources & Specifications

Quality Measures

Upcoming Webinars

  • Webpage will be updated with forthcoming events.

Webcasts & Webinars

Need Help? 

If you have trouble with the registration process, password issues, and navigating the Application Portal, please contact: Salesforce IT Help Desk CMMIForceSupport@cms.hhs.gov, or call 1-888-734-6433, option 5.

If you fail the IDM identification processor or have trouble validating your identity (Remote Identity Proofing- RIDP) when registering for a CMS IDM account, please contact: Experian (1-866-578-5409).

If you have questions about the BPCI Advanced Model information and/or application questions (not related to the application portal), please contact the Model Team at BPCIAdvanced@cms.hhs.gov.

Want to stay up-to-date with the BPCI Advanced Model Application Process during 2023, subscribe to the BPCI Advanced Listserv. 


Participant Resources

Please visit the Participant Resources webpage for additional materials geared towards organizations actively participating in the Model.

General Information

Please visit the Additional Resources section on the General Information page for additional materials about the Model.


Page Last Modified:
09/06/2023 05:13 PM