Badging-PIV cards
The CMS Badging Office - PIV Cards

The CMS Badging Office provides credentialing services to our customers nationwide. This includes, but is not limited to, credentialing lifecycle management, identity proofing, enrollment, fingerprinting, and the issuance of personal identity verification (PIV) credentials. DCO also handles personnel security front-end adjudications by processing security background investigations for employees and contractors.
The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) is a common credentialing and standard background investigation process required by Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12). A PIV card is a United States federal smart card that contains the necessary data for the cardholder to be granted access to CMS facilities and CMS information systems.
The criteria for PIV cards was established by Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) publication 201, formally titled Personal Identity Verification of Federal Employees and Contractors. FIPS 201 was developed to satisfy HSPD-12 requirements for a common identification standard for all Federal Employees and Contractors.
Instructions for New Employees to CMS
Click PIV Credentials - New Employee Orientation Video to see a short video of the credentialing process.
Instructions for New Contractors to CMS
To obtain a CMS PIV card for building entry and/or computer access, the new user must go into the CMS Enterprise User Administration (EUA) Front End Interface (EFI) program to enter information that is necessary to start the process of receiving or renewing a CMS PIV card.
The link for the EFI process is: https://eua.cms.gov/efi.
More Information regarding the EFI process can be found in the EFI New User Guide located here.
PIV Status Tracker Tool
The PIV Status Tracker is a tool that will increase organizational efficiency by providing CMS contractors and Contracting Officer's Representatives (CORs) visibility into the badging process. This tool provides CMS contractors, CORs, and the badging office a portal to see a holistic view of the badging process and track contractors’ statuses throughout the CMS credentialing process.
For more information and how to access and maneuver around the tracker, see the PIV Tracker Training (PDF) presentation.
Instructions for Renewing PIV Certificate Updates
Certificates on the PIV expire different from the PIV expiration. When it is time to renew your PIV certificates, you will receive an email from the badging office with instructions on how to complete the process.
This is an IMPORTANT and TIME SENSITIVE message from the CMS Badging Office and is an official CMS email, so it is safe to click on the links.