Web-Based Training
MLN Web-Based Training
Free, self-paced learning on a broad range of topics for health care providers. We no longer offer continuing education credits for our web-based training (WBT) courses. Check with your organization to see if they offer credit for Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) WBTs.
Contact MLN@cms.hhs.gov if you have questions about WBT courses.
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Available Courses
2025 Medicare Part C and Part D Reporting Requirements and Data Validation (March 2025) (Contact Hours 120 min.)
- Learn to plan, perform, and complete data validation activities.
Combating Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste, & Abuse (May 2022) (Contact Hours 30 min.)
- Learn to recognize fraud, waste, & abuse (FWA), identify methods to prevent FWA, identify how to report FWA, recognize how to correct FWA, and recognize potential consequences and penalties associated with violations.
Diagnosis Coding: Using the ICD-10-CM (September 2024) (Contact Hours 60 min.)
- Learn to identify ICD-10-CM structure and format, recognize features, and find codes.
Introduction to Language Access Plans (December 2024) (Contact Hours 60 min.)
- Learn about developing and using a language access plan, and how it impacts health care services for those with limited English proficiency.
Medicare Billing: 837I & Form CMS-1450 (August 2024) (Contact Hours 90 min.)
- Learn institutional claims requirements, claims processing actions, and how to identify aspects of paper and electronic claims.
Medicare Billing: 837P & Form CMS-1500 (August 2024) (Contact Hours 90 min.)
- Learn professional claims requirements, claims processing actions, and how to identify aspects of paper and electronic claims.
Medicare Fraud & Abuse: Prevent, Detect, Report (February 2020) (Contact Hours 88 min.)
- Learn how to identify what Medicare considers fraud & abuse, provisions & penalties, prevention methods, and recognize how to report fraud & abuse.
Part C Organization Determination, Appeals, & Grievances (March 2024) (Contact Hours 60 min.)
- Learn to recognize Part C definitions, determinations, appeals, grievances, and identify common problems
Part D Coverage Determinations, Appeals, & Grievances (March 2024) (Contact Hours 60 min.)
- Learn to recognize Part D definitions, determinations, appeals, grievances, and identify common problems.
Procedure Coding: Using the ICD-10-PCS (September 2024) (Contact Hours 60 min.)
- Learn to identify ICD-10-PCS structure and format, recognize guidelines, and find codes.
SNF Consolidated Billing (March 2024) (Contact Hours 60 min.)
- Learn how to identify SNF coverage and payment guidelines, services in a non-covered Part B stay, “under arrangement” agreements between SNFs and other providers or suppliers, and recognize excluded Part A SNF CB services.
World of Medicare (December 2024) (Contact Hours 90 min.)
- Learn fundamentals, beneficiary eligibility, enrollment & benefit options and the role of providers, agencies, contractors & organizations in administering the Medicare Program. Understand Medicare Parts A, B, C & D, and see how Medigap and other insurance works with the Program.
Supported browsers
Make sure your web browser is up-to-date. WBTs will only work in the latest two versions of most browsers. WBTs may not work in Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge Legacy.