Outreach and Education Resources

Outreach and Education Resources

The Outreach and Education Resources page provides access to outreach materials and resources to support the efforts of Indian health care providers and application assisters to enroll American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) into programs administered by CMS. Congress has enacted Indian-specific provisions to eliminate barriers and ensure improved access and enrollment of AI/ANs into Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Health Insurance Marketplace. The resources are sorted by specific outreach topics below, such as the health insurance Marketplace, Medicaid and CHIP, Medicare, and AI/AN health coverage data.


Even with these statutory provisions to address barriers to enrollment, AI/ANs have high rates of un-insurance in the United States. For instance, in 2015, 21% of AI/ANs (down from 43% in 2013) were uninsured, which is nearly twice the rate for African Americans, and approximately 12% more than the rate of non-Hispanic Whites. In addition, AI/ANs experience greater health disparities (e.g., diabetes and chronic liver disease) and higher mortality rates than other Americans.

Enrollment Matters

Enrollment in CMS programs benefits AI/AN individuals, their families, and their communities. Enrollment helps reduce health disparities and improves health status by providing AI/ANs with greater access to preventive and specialty care. Indian health care providers who enroll their patients can use the saved funding and resources on uninsured patients. Read more strategies to enroll AI/AN families and children (PDF, 136KB).

Health coverage through CMS programs ensures that AI/ANs can get health care when and where they need it. CMS provides these outreach and education materials to help you reach out to AI/ANs who are eligible for, but not enrolled in, CMS programs.


Latest Public Service Announcement

Live Better (January 2025)

Drop-in ad features smiling person with three sticky notes that read (1) Challenge yourself, (2) Be kind, and (3) Positive attitude. The ad's main text reads, "Resolve to live better! Set realistic goals and list the steps you'll take to achieve them."

Resolve to live better!
Set realistic goals and list the steps you'll take to achieve them.
Not sure where to start? Contact your local Indian health care provider, visit HealthCare.gov/coverage, or call 1-800-318-2596.

Newsletter – Covering Indian Country

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Flu Vaccination Resources
Image of a smiling boy afer having received a flu shot

The CMS Division of Tribal Affairs has developed the ads, flyers, bookmarks, and email signature blocks below to educate people about the importance of flu vaccination.

Email Signature Blocks

New Brochures, Flyers, and Fact Sheets
Materials, Publication, Brochures


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CMS Program Materials and Resources

The CMS tribal outreach resources have been grouped into 4 topics to help you explore the many PSAs, brochures, flyers, and fact sheets available for tribal communities, and to learn more about AI/AN health coverage rates.

The outreach and resources found on this page cover a variety of media to be used in a variety of settings, such as waiting rooms, outreach events, and one-on-one application assistance sessions. These materials can be downloaded from this site, or they can be ordered from the CMS warehouse.

The Health Insurance Marketplace

Find tips about the Marketplace and finding a plan that fits AI/AN needs.

Medicaid and CHIP

Learn about Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid benefits, including special provisions for AI/AN people.


Discover AI/AN benefits under Medicare.



Enrollment Assistance

Find resources to help enrollment assisters explain health insurance to patients and sign them up for coverage.

YouTube Playlists

Watch videos on how health coverage can benefit AI/AN


Native Language PSAs

Listen to PSAs on health coverage benefits for tribal communities in your Native language.

See All Languages


Find and register for trainings related to health coverage for American Indians and Alaska Natives.


See All Trainings

Order Materials

Visit the CMS tribal resource ordering page to order resources for your community directly from the CMS warehouse. The resource list is updated monthly as more products are added. Please allow 2 weeks for your order to be completed.

Page Last Modified:
02/07/2025 11:24 AM