Tribal Nursing Homes

Tribal Nursing Homes
Tribal Nursing Home

Nursing homes and assisted living facilities provide LTSS to elders and people with disabilities who have too many LTSS needs to receive care at home. Tribally run nursing homes offer these services in culturally appropriate settings.


Overview of tribal nursing homes in Indian Country

Staying connected to communities, families, and cultures supports quality of life for tribal elders. Tribally run nursing homes and assisted living facilities can provide long-term care for people who need support all day but want to remain close to their homes and communities.

See information about all nursing homes and assisted living facilities that serve Indian Country:

Learn more about successes and lessons learned from tribal long-term care facilities. These best practices reports cover a variety of LTSS topics, from cultural sensitivity to traditional foods.

UNITE–Uniting Nursing Homes In Tribal Excellence

UNITE—Uniting Nursing Homes in Tribal Excellence—is a collaborative of tribal nursing home stakeholders who network, discuss best practices, promote evidence-based education and trainings, and work on quality improvement initiatives.

Visit the U.N.I.T.E website to learn more about the collaborative and sign up for the mailing list.

UNITE conference calls

Calls are held quarterly on the third Thursday of the month at 12 p.m. Pacific time to discuss topics of interest. One current focus is dementia and Alzheimer's care in nursing homes.

Page Last Modified:
02/07/2025 02:13 PM