LTSS Information

This information library includes key topics for planning and implementing your LTSS program. Choose a topic below to find in-depth explanations and examples, helpful resources, and guidance on what you should do next.
Tribal Leaders

Learn the basic concepts of LTSS in this section for tribal leaders or other community leaders. Find a toolkit with the educational materials you need to start the conversation about LTSS in your own community.
Program Examples

Tribes and urban Indian organizations have successfully started their own LTSS programs. Read program profiles or watch short videos to learn what worked for other communities and envision how you might use those strategies for your program.
LTSS Models

There are two main types of LTSS programs, and they each offer different options for tribal involvement and support. Learn more about each model so you can choose the best fit for your community.
State and Federal Relationships

Working with federal and state agencies is a big part of setting up a program that can become sustainable. This section provides guidance on creating those relationships and helps you find national, regional, and state resources and policies.

Visit the planning section for a step-by-step program planning roadmap. Plus, find guidance on expanding an existing program and conducting program evaluation.

Learn more about funding sources and how they work, and find budgeting guidance. Read about 100% FMAP, a funding scenario that is a win-win for your tribe and state.

See fact sheets, reports, and videos that discuss specific LTSS needs or services, such as elder abuse prevention, respite care, and hospice and palliative care.
IHS, Tribal, and Urban LTSS Programs

Use the interactive map on this page to find LTSS programs by state, region, or ZIP code. You can view individual program information, including points of contact, tribal affiliates, and services offered.
Find more LTSS resources by visiting the webinars page or signing up for the monthly LTSS newsletter.