Internet Quality Improvement & Evaluation System (iQIES)

Internet Quality Improvement & Evaluation System (iQIES)

About iQIES

Beginning in May 2021, State Survey Agencies (SAs) and CMS locations began a phased transition to the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES), which is an internet-based system that includes survey and certification functions. iQIES consolidated and replaced functionality from the QIES, CASPER, and ASPEN legacy systems. This page will serve as a resource for SAs and CMS staff using iQIES.

The initial iQIES pilot release contained Survey & Certification (S&C) capabilities for Home Health Agencies (HHAs) and was phased in for all SAs and CMS locations over several months. CMS conducted an initial pilot in the CMS Atlanta Location, including the SAs and CMS staff in this region (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). The pilot release gathered data and user feedback to ensure the best possible experience for iQIES users nationwide. CMS completed the release of all S&C capabilities for HHAs nationally in October 2021.

CMS will release S&C capabilities for all provider types in the near future. Each provider type will receive information as the release date becomes available.

Getting started with iQIES

To comply with federal security mandates, CMS initiated new security requirements for access control to CMS Quality Systems via the HCQIS Access, Roles and Profile (HARP) system. To access iQIES, users will need to first create an account and establish credentials in HARP:

Users will then be able to log in to iQIES at: using HARP credentials and request an iQIES role. Please refer to the below section ‘Understanding your iQIES Role,’ to learn more about the various iQIES roles.

HARP Registration

To watch a video detailing the HARP registration process, visit:

There are iQIES resources available on the iQIES Reference and Manuals page of the QIES Technical Support Office (QTSO) website for user reference:

Understanding your iQIES role

State Survey Agency roles in iQIES

State Agency Security Official

A State Agency Security Official (SASO) will approve/reject iQIES access requests for employees of their SA. Current OASIS Automation Coordinators and Automated Survey Processing Environment (ASPEN) Technical Coordinators will be logical candidates for this role because of their technical understanding and experience in working with providers and SA personnel. iQIES will require that the SASO be able to access ASPEN to verify federal surveyor IDs for users with existing federal surveyor IDs or, if needed, access ASPEN to create federal surveyor IDs for new federal surveyors requesting access to iQIES. The SASO will receive email notifications when they have pending iQIES user role requests and, when applicable, notifications to verify users’ federal surveyor IDs, which will need to be entered/verified in iQIES by accessing the User Management menu option. SASOs who are also State Agency General Users will, in addition, be able to complete survey deletions in the system. 

If SASOs need to work with S&C data, they will need to choose an additional SA role described below. Your SA may already have a Security Official (SO) identified, but if that is not the case, at least one SO will need to be selected in order for users to be granted iQIES access. CMS highly recommends that state agencies designate more than one Security Official so that there is a higher likelihood that there will be someone available to approve/reject iQIES access requests. A user will not be granted access unless an SO approves the request. 

State Agency General User

A State Agency General User (SAGU) will be able to update provider demographic information and enter survey, intake, and enforcement information within the user’s state. The SAGU will have read-only access to all provider, survey, and enforcement data in all other states. SA staff and surveyors who currently work within the ASPEN suite of applications will select this role. A SASO will need to approve an access request for this role for that user to be granted access to iQIES.

State Agency Assessment Coordinator

The State Agency Assessment Coordinator (SAAC) role provides support for the state coordination of assessments related to the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) and other supporting tasks that currently exist. Current state OASIS Automation Coordinators should select this role when registering for an account in iQIES. In the future, Minimum Data Set (MDS) Coordinators will request access for this role when MDS data has been incorporated in iQIES. A SASO will need to approve an access request for this role for that user to be granted access to iQIES.

CMS roles in iQIES

To perform various functions in iQIES, the appropriate role will need to be selected. The iQIES roles that are available to CMS users are listed below.

CMS View Only User

A CMS View Only User will be able to view all provider, survey, intake, and enforcement data for all states. In addition, users with this role will be able to view patient assessment data and associated reports. A CMS Security Official will need to approve an access request for this role for the user to be granted access to iQIES.

CMS General User

A CMS General User will be able to view and update all nationwide provider demographic information and enter survey, intake, and enforcement information. Users with this role will also be able to view patient assessment data, associated reports, and dashboard data. Anyone who will need to enter data into iQIES as a surveyor or as an enforcement or certification specialist, as well as others who will need to enter data, should request the CMS General User Role. A CMS Security Official will need to approve an access request for this role for the user to be granted access to iQIES.

Office of Financial Management (OFM) User

An Office of Financial Management (OFM) User is limited to accessing certain data in iQIES. This user will only be able to track Civil Money Penalty Tracking System (CMPTS) cases and record CMPTS payments for applicable providers nationwide. A CMS Security Official will need to approve an access request for this role in order for the user to be granted access to iQIES.

Please note: The CMS Security Official role applies only to specific staff at CMS Headquarters. Do not select this role. CMS Security Officials will review all CMS requests for iQIES access (including requests from CMS Locations). In addition, the iQIES Help Desk role applies only to a select group of individuals; do not select this role. 

Help & more resources

Since this is a change for users, there is expected to be a higher than normal call volume at the QIES/iQIES Service Center. Therefore, we encourage users to take advantage of the online support options listed below before calling.

iQIES Onboarding Guide- This guide provides step-by-step instructions for getting started with iQIES.

iQIES Survey & Certification User Manual- This manual addresses the processes necessary to perform S&C functions in iQIES, including how to manage a provider, survey, intake, and enforcement.

iQIES Help Page- This link provides step-by-step instructions for getting started with iQIES.

QTSO- The QIES Technical Support Office (QTSO) is a website that provides technical guidance, containing references & manuals, software tools, and training materials for providers and vendors as well as SAs, CMS staff, and other organizations performing S&C functions.

QIES/iQIES Service Center – The Service Center is available 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. (ET) Monday through Friday by phone: 1-888-477-7876 (Select Option 1) or email:

Page Last Modified:
02/25/2025 06:05 PM