Traditional Foods in LTSS

Traditional Foods in LTSS

Traditional foods provide many benefits to elders beyond nutrition – comfort, opportunities to be included in the community, cultural engagement, providing a sense of home, and reaffirming identity in times of changes in mobility, memory, or health status.

Traditional Foods Resources

This page lists webinars, articles, and other resources on traditional foods. Check back regularly for new resources as they are developed.


Learn about initiatives to include traditional foods in LTSS. The report, Tribal Nursing Home Best Practices – Traditional Foods (PDF) (1.64 MB, 12 pp), pulls examples from tribal nursing homes, such as Utuqqanaat Inaat and the Archie Hendricks Sr. Skilled Nursing Facility.

Webinars and Videos

The traditional foods webinars and videos provide information on a range of topics. They include, for example, interviews with health coaches and presentations by Indigenous chefs.

Nourishment from the Land, Plants, and Foods

Nourishment from the Land, Plants, and Foods

This presentation shares Indigenous-based knowledge about planting food and includes stories promoting the cultural value of corn, beans, and squash.

Traditional Food Practices for Native American Elder Care

Traditional Food Practices for Native American Elder Care

During this six-minute video, certified holistic health coach and nutrition consultant Donell Barlow (Ottawa/Yurok) discusses the use of traditional foods to prevent illness in Native American communities and encourages attendees to incorporate traditional foods into their LTSS programs.

Alaska Native Traditional Foods Movement

Alaska Native Traditional Foods Movement

This presentation provides insight into the Alaska Native Traditional Foods Movement and information that empowers people to create a movement for their own communities.

Reclaiming Indigenous Food Relationships: Improving Health with Culture

Reclaiming Indigenous Food Relationships: Improving Health with Culture

This webinar outlines how prevention strategies rooted in customs and cultural traditions are proving to be promising practices for elevating the health of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people. Learn how to use the Reclaiming Indigenous Food Relationships framework to implement comprehensive healthy eating initiatives by applying a Culture is Prevention model. You will also hear innovative success stories of how the framework has advanced healthy Native foods initiatives.

Traditional Foods for Tribal Elders

Traditional Foods for Tribal Elders

Incorporating traditional foods into your tribal nursing home’s menu or your senior citizen food program can fuel elders’ bodies and spirits. Traditional foods like salmon, wild rice, wild roots, and venison are nutritious and connect elders to their tribal culture. Learn more at the American Indian / Alaska Native Outreach & Education Center.

Tribal Nursing Homes: Traditional Foods, Traditional Lives

Tribal Nursing Homes: Traditional Foods, Traditional Lives

We explore how traditional foods can improve the lives of elders in tribal nursing homes. This webinar will introduce you to a tribal nursing home collaborative and its work by reviewing the history, foods, ideas, programs, challenges, laws, and recommendations that have influenced and currently affect preparing and serving traditional foods in tribal nursing homes. We will discuss how the “Triple Aim” of improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, and reducing the per capita cost of health care has implications for tribal nursing homes. You will learn specific steps you can take to advocate for traditional foods and traditional living as a way to honor and respect elders.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:13 PM