Tribal Leader's Community Toolkit
Many groups and individuals will be interested—and have valuable points of view—as your tribe begins planning LTSS programs. Use these resources for community conversations with:
- Tribal elders
- Elder advisory committees/groups
- People with disabilities
- Council members
- Traditional leaders
- Advocates for elders and people with disabilities
- Family members
- Family caregivers
- Tribal health departments
- Social services program staff
- Health clinic administrators, providers, and staff

LTSS Overview - Brochure
What is LTSS? Why is it important to tribes? Fact sheet covers LTSS advantages and funding sources.

LTSS Program Models - Fact Sheet
LTSS can be delivered in many ways. Fact sheet introduces the community assessment process and the most common program models from Medicaid and Medicare.

LTSS in Indian Country - Presentation
Use this presentation for community meetings and gatherings to share an overview of LTSS issues in Indian Country.

Long-Term Services and Supports: What Can Your Tribe Do? - Infographic
Clear, simple, and colorful—this is a visual presentation of the main ideas in the conversation about tribal LTSS. Share this infographic on social media or through meeting invitations or printed materials.

How to Use the LTSS TA Center - Fact Sheet
What resources are available for tribes as they develop LTSS systems in their communities? Fact sheet highlights online resources from the LTSS Technical Assistance Center at cms.gov.