CMS Technical Review Board

This topic is based on the TRB Research Spotlight CMS TRB Engagement Guidance, Updated June 7, 2024.

The Technical Review Board (TRB) is the CMS governing body that oversees and provides guidance on CMS’s IT investments to ensure they are consistent with the Agency’s IT strategy and architecture. The TRB provides intellectual continuity of high-level architectural decisions and direction, and promotes IT reuse, information sharing, and systems integration across the Agency.

The TRB engages with project teams by request at key decision points throughout the CMS IT project life cycle in accordance with the project’s demonstrated compliance with

  • The CMS Target Life Cycle (TLC)
  • Agency enterprise architecture principles
  • CMS policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines

The TRB encourages developers, especially developers using the newer, iterative development methodologies (e.g., Agile and Lean), to review and plan their project implementation to minimize the impact of changes resulting from TRB guidance received during the development process. For more information about engaging with the TRB, please visit the CMS TRB SharePoint site.

The Technical Review Board offers different engagement types reviews of any proposed system . Project teams can engage with the TRB for various purposes, facilitating project progress and adherence to CMS standards. The TRB provides technical consults on CMS projects related to Infrastructure, Software, Interface, Security, Performance, and Technology at various stages of the system lifecycle. These consultations may occur on an ad-hoc basis or follow a regular cadence, allowing for discussions with the TRB to benefit from their expertise without impeding project timelines.

TRB Services

The CMS Technical Review Board (TRB) is a technical assistance resource for project teams across the agency at all stages of their system’s life cycle. It offers consultations and reviews on an ongoing or one-off basis, allowing project teams to consult with a cross-functional team of technical advisors. It also guides project teams on adhering to CMS technical standards and leveraging existing technologies.

Teams can consult regarding:

  • ask for help with a technical problem
  • review potential solutions or ideas with the TRB and other Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
  • schedule an ongoing cadence of technical consultations
  • consult with SMEs from across the agency
  • consult with the TRB about CMS guidelines and standards
  • request research or information about a particular technical topic

Requesting TRB Services

The project team can request TRB services at any point in the life cycle of the project. The TRB CaaS and TRB Consults can all be requested by submitting a Technical Assistance request in EASi system at or by reaching out via email to the TRB mailbox at Such requests must be initiated by a CMS Employee, preferably the business owner, project manager, or technical lead.

Preparing for TRB Sessions and TRB CaaS Engagement

To help facilitate the TRB Consults, TRB requires the project teams to fill in the EASi intake form with a clear business context, any relevant technical diagrams, and the areas where help is sought and upload any relevant artifacts before the scheduled meeting.

The TRB Consults and TRB CaaS engagements are informal and do not have any prescribed templates for the presentation. The project teams are recommended to provide a document explaining the system and the changes/questions that the team is seeking guidance on, along with a background and brief description of the system and the system diagrams. Most of the technical discussion centers around the system architecture/design diagrams, and the project team should prepare system architecture/design diagrams that depict the current and proposed changes with all the system components. Clear and complete diagrams will lead to a more meaningful engagement.

The TRB-published review templates are located on the CMS Enterprise website at:
TRB Architectural Diagrams Sample and Diagram Requirements - Instructions

What Project Materials are required for the TRB Engagements?

To help facilitate the TRB Design and Operational Readiness Session engagements, TRB requires the project teams to fill in the TRB Templates noted above and send them to the TRB mailbox in advance of the scheduled meeting.

TRB Consults and TRB CaaS engagements being informal, do not have any prescribed templates for the presentation. The project teams are recommended to provide a document that explains the system and the changes/questions that the team is seeking guidance on, along with a background and brief description of the system and the system diagrams. A majority of the technical discussion centers around the system architecture/design diagrams and the project team should prepare system architecture/design diagrams that depict the current and proposed changes with all the system components. Clear and complete diagrams will lead to a more meaningful engagement.

Who Should Attend the TRB Engagements?

The following members should attend:

  1. A CMS employee with oversight of the project, such as CMS’ Contracting Officer Representative (COR) and/or Government Task Lead (GTL)/ CMS Project Manager, must be present at the sessions. (Note: The TRB cannot meet without one of these individuals).
  2. CMS Business Owner Representative.
  3. Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO).
  4. Contractor Project Manager (PM) responsible for the overall effort
  5. Lead Business Analyst who can address the business purpose, context, and process.
  6. Lead Technical or Solution Architect who can address the architecture and design.
  7. Development lead who can address the development process, DevSecOps, and overall testing.

What do I need to do on the day of my Scheduled TRB Session?

TRB Session meetings are conducted at CMS’ Central Office, and zoom sessions are always available. In the case when the CMS Central Office is closed, TRB Session meetings will be held entirely virtually. To attend the meeting virtually, please click on the TRB Meeting link that is sent in the meeting invite.

We recommend that you login a few minutes early to ensure that you can share your screen and display your presentation properly.

Please make sure to input your full name when logging into Zoom for the TRB Meeting. Due to the sensitive nature of the presentations, we require that all participants identify themselves on Zoom. Unidentified participants will be removed from the call.

What to expect after the TRB Session?

The project teams will receive a TRB Advice Letter within five business days for any Design/Operational Readiness/Consults. TRB Consult as a Service engagement meetings run by the TRB will be provided with a response in the form of meeting notes within a couple of days of the engagement. For continuous ongoing TRB CaaS engagement, the TRB notes might be sent out based on a need-by-need basis as determined by the TRB.


CMS CTO Corner webpage

TRB Frequently Asked Questions

CMS Technical Reference Architecture

Target Life Cycle