Consumer Assistance Program

Consumer Assistance Program

Many states offer help to consumers with health insurance problems through Consumer Assistance Programs* (CAPs). Through a federal grant, many States have established CAPs in order to better assist consumers experiencing problems with their health insurance or seeking to learn about health coverage options. State CAPs offer direct assistance by phone, direct mail, email, or walk-in locations to help consumers learn how to obtain or use their insurance effectively. CAPs play a critical role in ensuring that consumers are able to find health insurance and are able to access the benefits to which they are entitled.

CAPs that are still in operation are funded exclusively through mechanisms other than federal grant funds.

*These programs received funding through Section 1002 of the Affordable Care Act.

How can I get direct help with a problem or question?

The map below will help you find the contact information for your State’s CAP. If your State doesn’t have a CAP, the map will direct you to other possible resources – such as the State Department of Insurance and the US Department of Labor – including phone numbers, email addresses, direct mailing addresses, and websites.

Skip To State Listing

Consumer Assistance Programs Map

CAP in Operation with Federal Grant
CAP in Operation without Federal Grant
No Resources Available
  Created with Raphaël 2.1.2 States Connecticut Delaware Massachusetts Maryland New Hampshire New Jersey Rhode Island Vermont District of Columbia Territories & Commonwealths American Samoa Federated States of Micronesia Guam Marshall Islands Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico Palau Virgin Islands
Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:11 PM